Empleo rural decente


Zimbabwe: FAO complements national efforts to address rural youth unemployment

Chegutu, Zimbabwe - "Using beekeeping as an alternative source of income for rural people can reduce poverty among youth and increase food production, while reducing pressures on natural resources," said Philip Tafirei Mushayi, Principal of the Chibero Agricultural College in the Chegutu district of Zimbabwe. Mr. Mushayi was speaking at...

Youth centered value chain analysis - The cases of Siaya and Kakamega counties in Kenya

This youth-sensitive value chain assessment aims to assess the current engagement of youth in specific value chains in selected value chains in the Kenyan counties of Siaya and Kakamega, as well as the specific challenges that youth face and the opportunities that could be tapped into for the generation of...

Assessing the state of youth financial inclusion in developing contexts - methodological guidelines

In developing and emerging contexts, youth of all ages and backgrounds face substantial and multidimensional challenges when seeking to access the financial services they need to take adequate care of several aspects of their personal and professional lives. These barriers to financial inclusion represent a core development constraint that limits...

Empowering young women agripreneurs in Eastern Africa to achieve the 2030 Agenda

Africa has the youngest population in the world. In spite of the huge opportunity for the continent’s growth represented by such a high number of young people, two-thirds of youth are unemployed or working in vulnerable conditions and low-paying jobs. Young women face additional challenges in the agribusiness sector due...