Empleo rural decente


Building resilience in the Sahel region through job creation for youth

The project ‘’Building resilience in the Sahel region through job creation for youth’’ aims at building resilience and social cohesion among youth while improving their livelihoods stability via innovative approaches to increase their access to sustainable employment opportunities, including via piloting specific schemes (both rapid-temporary and medium to long term...

Webinar on promoting youth inclusion in FAO programmes to foster agrifood systems transformation in sub-Saharan Africa

On 8 June, the FAO Regional Office for Africa (FAORAF), in collaboration with the FAO Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division (ESP), organized a webinar on the importance of 'Youth' as a crosscutting theme within FAO's programmatic work. The event, titled Youth - From ''who and how'' to country...

Green jobs for rural youth

While agriculture remains the largest employer in the world, it is a sector that is highly hazardous and often associated with working poverty and vulnerable employment. Agriculture is also the largest user of water and the number one driver of environmental degradation. However, there is enormous potential to turn this...