Empleo rural decente


Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agri-food system - An overview of country statistics on Kenya

This fact sheet is part of a series that provides an overview of several statistics for each of the five countries of FAO’s programme Integrate Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agri-food system, namely Guatemala, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, and Uganda. More particularly, the statistics proposed...

Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agri-food system - An overview of country statistics on Guatemala

This fact sheet is part of a series that provides an overview of several statistics for each of the five countries of FAO’s programme Integrate Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agri-food system, namely Guatemala, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, and Uganda. More particularly, the statistics proposed...

FAO-Procasur route d’apprentissage sous-régionale au Cameroun : L’emploi des jeunes et la migration

La Route d’Apprentissage « Stimuler l’emploi des jeunes ruraux comme alternatives et opportunités réussies dans le contexte de la migration en Afrique centrale » organisée conjointement par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (FAO) et la Corporation Procasur s’est tenue du 3 au 12 novembre 2019 au Cameroun....

Rural youth and the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all parts of society and livelihoods around the globe. It is though worth recognizing that disadvantaged segments of populations like rural young women and men will be impacted harder, nevertheless, when proactively engaged, they have demonstrated to be innovators in their own sectors to surmount...

World Day Against Child Labour 2020

12 June 2020, Rome - FAO marked World Day Against Child Labour today by stressing the critical need to step up efforts to prevent a spike in child labour in agriculture due to the COVID-19 pandemic's disruptive global impact on livelihoods, education, food and health systems. This year's observance focused on exploring...