Empleo rural decente


Incorporating child labour in policies and strategies

This course explains national and international legislation aimed at preventing and reducing child labour. It provides suggestions on how to assess whether a policy adequately addresses child labour in agriculture in your country. It also suggests opportunities within the development and implementation of a national rural development or agricultural policy where...

Addressing child labour in agricultural programmes

This course illustrates how agricultural programmes can help to prevent and reduce child labour in agriculture. It provides guidance at each stage of the programme cycle when integrating child labour concerns in agricultural programmes.

Vulnerabilidades de las familias migrantes estacionales durante la cosecha del café

Estudio de caso “Trabajo infantil en la caficultura”, región Huista, Guatemala

Project on eliminating child labour and forced labour in cotton-growing communities

The Clear Cotton Project ‘’Eliminating child labour and forced labour in the cotton, textile and garment value chains: an integrated approach’’ is co-funded by the European Union (EU) under the Development Cooperation Instrument and implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)....