L'Emploi rural décent


Witnessing the impact of flexible funding in Africa

Kampala, Uganda – "Uganda is Africa in miniature," said Susan Ngongi Namondo, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Uganda, at the wrap up of the Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC) Resource Partners' Field Trip, held in Uganda from 1 to 5 May. "All the development challenges that are faced in the rest of...

Strengthening rural economies through green jobs in agriculture

Sixty-five percent of the population in the least developed countries lives in rural settings and largely depends on agriculture to earn a living. Rural areas are crucial for creating a sustainable future, yet face rapid population growth, increasing youth unemployment, food insecurity and the impacts of climate change which hinder...

Rural Migration: Contributing to food security and climate adaptation

The deterioration of rural livelihoods is driving millions of people to migrate from rural areas, especially within their own countries. The challenge is how to make migration a choice and to maximize its benefits, as migration presents both challenges and opportunities. Rural areas may suffer from the loss of workforce, with...

Eliminating child labour to build sustainable agrifood systems

Child labour in agriculture is an extensive and critical problem in the world today. It hinders children’s education, health and future employability, perpetuating hunger and rural poverty. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, global progress stalled and the number of children engaged in child labour in agriculture rose, for the first...