L'Emploi rural décent


Renforcer la résilience et la cohésion sociale des jeunes sahéliens en les intégrant dans les systèmes agroalimentaires - Avec et pour les jeunes

La région du Sahel est un lieu d'opportunités, riche en ressources humaines, naturelles et culturelles. Cependant, l'insécurité, le changement climatique, la montée de l'extrémisme radical, l'érosion de la cohésion sociale et la pénurie d'opportunités économiques et professionnelles sont autant de défis majeurs auxquels la région doit se mesurer. Le Forum...

Boosting decent jobs for youth in the agrifood system

There are more young people on our planet today than ever before. The exceptionally high number of youth represents an enormous opportunity for economic growth and for the rejuvenation of agrifood systems. However, poor access to land and other natural resources, infrastructure, finance, technology, knowledge and support services, together with...

Nepal: Reintegrating returning migrants for a better tomorrow

In Nepal, FAO is working with local governments to enhance their capacity to support returning migrants, as well as women and youth who remained in their rural areas of origin.

Elimination of child labour in agriculture through social protection - Guidance note

The aim of the guidance note on elimination of child labour in agriculture through social protection is to enable practitioners at national, regional and global levels to adapt social protection systems to contribute actively to eliminate child labour in agriculture. Universal social protection can prove an effective means to both address...