L'Emploi rural décent


FAO Moldova supports returning migrant workers and remittance-funded businesses in increasing their capacity to market agricultural products online

February 1, 2022, Chisinau - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is supporting smallholder farmers in the Republic of Moldova through delivery of technical workshops in adopting digital tools and technologies meant to enhance their access to markets and increase sales of their agricultural products. The series of...

Making extension and advisory services nutrition-sensitive

The global youth population has reached the unprecedented figure of 1.2 billion. This exceptional number has enormous potential: with farming populations ageing across the world, the agricultural sector needs to attract youth to ensure generational turnover and foster competitiveness. With their energy, ability to learn and innovative attitudes, youth can...

EU due diligence legislation: The role of agricultural stakeholders in the elimination of child labour in agri-food systems

"To avoid unintended negative consequences and promote a positive impact for smallholder farmers, the law enforcement component of sustainable corporate governance should be complemented by addressing the root causes of child labour in agriculture," said Adama Yaya DIARRA, FAO Coordinator of the CLEAR Cotton project in Mali, intervening during the public...

'Business Formalization' training of coaches with ILO

In collaboration with JR Farms, an Africa-based youth-led agribusiness, and the International Labour Organization (ILO), FAO is supporting efforts to enhance the formalization of youth agribusinesses in the Africa region. In May 2021, a joint Fit For Finance training for youth was conducted in Rwanda, where the ILO delivered an online...