L'Emploi rural décent


Access to finance and business formalization support for youth agripreneurs

The United Nations Food Systems Summit is coming up in September and as the first of its kind has been summoned by the UN Secretary-General in order to deliver much needed progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. Not only is youth empowerment a “hot topic”, so crucial to food systems...

The Y factor: The role of youth in agri-food system

Youth have the power to transform agri-food systems. In the lead-up to the United Nations Food System Summit (UNFSS), over 80 young women and men from farmer associations, rural youth networks, youth-led organizations and agribusinesses, young policymakers and diaspora youth joined an Independent Dialogue convened by the African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) platform and titled “The...

Opportunities for Youth in Africa (OYA) Programme - Accelerating job creation and entrepeneurship in agriculture and agribusiness

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) have developed a joint regional programme titled "Opportunities for Youth in Africa: Accelerating Job Creation and Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Agribusiness". The programme is in response to a dedicated call for accelerating...

Towards boosting the resilience and livelihoods of migrants, refugees and local communities in Eastern Africa

12 July 2021, Addis Ababa - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and migration and displacement partners have stressed the need for concerted actions to mainstream migration and forced displacement considerations into national and regional policies and programmes.  The call for action came...

Migration de retour vers les régions rurales d’origine dans le contexte de la pandémie de covid-19

Cette note donne un aperçu des preuves disponibles sur la migration de retour vers les zones rurales en raison de la pandémie de covid-19, les implications connexes pour les travailleurs migrants et leurs familles et communautés d'origine, ainsi que les mesures de réponse du gouvernement qui ont été prises.  L'inclusion des...