L'Emploi rural décent


Assessing youth financial inclusion in Guatemala

Guatemala is a young country. Almost 70 % of its population is under 30 years old, with a median age of 19.7 years. The agricultural sector is an important employer for young people: 1 in 3 economically active youth work in the sector. However, limited access to finance continues to...

Agribusiness as a sustainable tool to mitigate rural-urban migration of youth in Kenya

Funded through the generous contribution of the Government of Italy, the project on “Rural Youth Migration, Social Protection & Local Value Chain Development” is designed to address the root causes of rural youth out-migration by creating more and improved employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in agri-business. The project, which is being...

Education attainment and employment situation of out-of school persons in the 14–17 years age cohort in Uganda

This brief summarizes the finding from a study conducted in 2017 by the EPRC for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on the employment status of young persons aged 14-17 and their engagement in agriculture in Uganda.

Cadre de la FAO pour l’élimination du travail des enfants dans l’agriculture

L'objectif du cadre de la FAO est de guider l'Organisation et son personnel dans l'intégration de mesures qui traitent du travail des enfants sur le lieu de travail, des programmes et des initiatives typiques de la FAO aux niveaux mondial, régional et national. Son objectif est d'améliorer le respect des...

FAO pledges intensified action to end child labour in agriculture

21 January 2021, Rome/Geneva - The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today pledged to intensify efforts towards addressing child labour in agriculture through a dedicated work programme within FAO's Strategic Framework. ‘'This year, we will step-up our efforts to strengthen the capacities...