L'Emploi rural décent


Rural poverty reduction

The aim behind this publication is to promote and enhance the visibility of FAO's work to reduce rural poverty in Africa by highlighting some of the key achievements. This brochure will serve as an advocacy and awareness-raising tool indicating the variety of important activities achieved by the FAO Regional Office...

Meet the young agripreneurs who won’t let COVID-19 get them down

Since COVID-19 struck, life has changed for entrepreneurs and businesses around the world. Due to lockdowns and movement restrictions, smallholder farmers and rural businesses have been unable to access markets and sell produce or other products. As they often have little or no access to social security, rural youth disproportionately...

Questions and Answers on Migration #2 (COVID-19)

The COVID-19 pandemic has shed a spotlight on the vital role migrant workers play in our food system. Without them, crops are not planted on time or are left to rot in the fields with no one to pick them. As outbreaks occur on farms and throughout the food system,...

Africa’s youth in agrifood systems: Innovation in the context of COVID-19

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, young entrepreneurs in agrifood systems in sub-Saharan Africa were already facing a number of challenges. The main challenges include limited access to natural resources, finance, technology, knowledge and information, and insufficient participation in policy dialogues and other decision-making processes. The COVID-19 pandemic and its disruptions to...

Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agri-food system - An overview of the global programme

This leaflet provides an overview of FAO’s Integrate Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agri-food system programme. More particularly, it explains the programme’s approach and phases, its main areas of work, and the expected outcomes.