L'Emploi rural décent


Manuel de suivi et d’évaluation du travail des enfants dans l’agriculture

Le manuel offre des conseils et des outils pour évaluer les impacts des programmes et projets agricoles et de sécurité alimentaire sur le travail des enfants dans l'agriculture familiale. En outre, le manuel vise à sensibiliser le personnel du programme agricole sur l'importance d'intégrer la prévention du travail des enfants...

World Day Against Child Labour 2020

12 June 2020, Rome - FAO marked World Day Against Child Labour today by stressing the critical need to step up efforts to prevent a spike in child labour in agriculture due to the COVID-19 pandemic's disruptive global impact on livelihoods, education, food and health systems. This year's observance focused on exploring...

Social protection and child labour

This information note aims at outlining what are child labour and social protection, how social protection can significantly contribute to eliminating child labour in agriculture, and what are FAO’s planned efforts to leverage on social protection interventions to generate knowledge and increase impact at country level on child labour elimination. ...

Questions and Answers on Migration (FAO Migration Framework)

Migration is a growing phenomenon, with both challenges and opportunities for communities of origin, transit and destination, and for migrants themselves. It can be an engine for growth and transformation. It can also be the result of catastrophic forces such as natural disasters that led to forced displacement. FAO strives...

Inserción laboral de los trabajadores migrantes en el sector rural en Chile

Considering the impact that the recent flow of migration to Chile has had, especially in the labor market, along with the broader trend of declining agricultural occupation that the country has experienced in recent decades, the FAO, the Organization International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labor Organization (ILO)...