Decent Rural Employment


Youth around the world are increasingly turning away from agriculture. Traditionally requiring tough manual labour and offering low wages, agriculture is not appealing to new generations who often prefer to try their luck finding jobs in cities. Yet, agriculture, the world's oldest and most entrenched industry, has the greatest potential of...
FAO, ILO and the Zambian Government have worked together for the past 5 years to address youth employment issues through the USD7.6 million Yapasa Project, funded by the Government of Sweden. The intervention aims at facilitating the creation of sustainable employment opportunities for young women and men in rural areas of...
In Sub-Saharan Africa, more than 60 percent of a 1.2 billion population are under the age of 25. This growing youth population needs fruitful employment and the agricultural sector has the potential to offer this to the youth. However, traditionally requiring tough manual labour and offering low wages, agriculture does...
The new FAO project Rural youth migration, social protection and sustainable value chains in Kenya, funded by the Italian Development Cooperation, aims to boost employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for Kenyan rural youth along selected value chains. The final objective is to provide alternatives to migration, while also strengthening links with...
12 June 2018, Rome - After years of steady decline, child labour in agriculture has started to rise again in recent years driven in part by an increase in conflicts and climate-induced disasters. This worrisome trend, not only threatens the wellbeing of millions of children, but also undermines efforts to...
CIHEAM, FAO, EUI and UfM, under the patronage of the  Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, launch the first Forum on Agriculture, Rural development and Migrations in the Mediterranean29 May 2018, Rome, FAO Headquarters - A "better understanding of the drivers and impacts of migrations for forward-looking policies and programmes"...
In Uganda, FAO is working to improve occupational safety and health in the agricultural sector, in particular for young workers, and to prevent hazardous child labour in agriculture. As part of these efforts, FAO is raising awareness and building capacity to protect children and young workers from the direct exposure...
Since 2015, FAO has been working to make Senegalese agri-food systems more youth-inclusive, through its Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for promoting decent rural employment and in partnership with the Agence Nationale pour la Promotion de l'Emploi des Jeunes (ANPEJ).Senegal is a youthful country, with over 60 percent of people below...
Osman Sheikh Ali is a 24-year-old father of two children and comes from Marka, a city in the southern Lower Shebelle province of Somalia. He is currently working in Bossaso, at the Hidik Boat Factory managed by the 34-year-old director, Yasin Hassan Mohamed. Both Osman and Yacine have benefitted from...
The FAO project Youth mobility, food security and rural poverty reduction (abbreviated as "RYM" – Rural Youth Mobility) was successfully completed in February 2018. With funding from the Italian Development Cooperation, RYM was launched in 2015 to address the main drivers of rural migration of youth in Tunisia and Ethiopia,...