Decent Rural Employment


10 May 2017, FAO Regional Office for Africa (Accra) - Africa needs to enhance right policy environments, access to capital, innovations and right technologies in support of the youth to engage massively in agriculture and agribusiness."And most importantly, the continent needs to develop practical business models on selected value chains,...
In the context of renewed concerns about food security, demographic changes and globalization, rural development and youth employment are at the centre of the international development agenda."The future of humankind will be decided in rural areas," said Dr. Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, while...
Alpha is the beginning of the Greek alphabet. It is also the beginning of a new way to frame agriculture, changing the obsolete narrative sedimented around it. Definitely, Alpha is the beginning of this story, a story about a storyteller. Alpha Sennon is his full name. We met him for...
In Senegal, the agricultural sector employs 70% of the working population. Overall, the demographic structure is particularly youthful, with over 60% of the population below the age of 24 years. Yet, employment opportunities for rural youth remain limited and of poor quality in the country. Against this background, facilitating the...
On 19 September, FAO has taken part in the high-level UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants, hosted by the UN General Assembly. In its statement in Round Table 2: Addressing drivers of migration, particularly large movements, and highlighting the positive contributions of migrants, the FAO Director-General highlighted the key role that...
Tunis, Tunisia - FAO is working to mitigate rural youth distress migration by helping young Tunisian agro-entrepreneurs start up and run their own enterprises in rural areas particularly prone to out-migration. Innovative ideas and project proposals for agricultural activities were selected following a call for proposals launched by FAO in August...
Chomes District, Costa Rica – On the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, many communities depend on traditional methods of fishing for food and income. In particular, more than 1,000 families of mollusc gatherers engage in fisheries for their livelihoods, making a substantial contribution to small-scale fisheries in the country. Yet,...
From 25 to 28 October, FAO hosted an Expert Meeting to discuss solutions on how to overcome the challenges faced by rural youth aged 15-17 when accessing decent work in rural areas.Today, there are more young people than ever – 1.2 billion between the ages of 15 and 24. The...
Seafood value chains are of great importance for the economies of developing countries and contribute to 54 percent of the total value of international fishery trade worldwide. Seafood supply chains also provide employment and greatly contribute to the livelihoods and food security of women and men engaged in fishing, fish...
19 September 2016, New York – Today FAO is taking part in the high-level UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants, hosted by the UN General Assembly. The aim of the Summit is to address large movements of refugees and migrants, bringing countries together behind a more humane and coordinated approach. Migration...