Decent Rural Employment


On the occasion of the 2012 celebration of the World Day Against Child Labour, FAO organized a series of activities both at FAO headquarters and at country level.FAO headquarters hosted an event on “Effective partnerships for reducing child labour in agriculture” organized in collaboration with the ILO (see agenda). A new documentary...
In the framework of the International Year of Cooperatives (IYC 2012) FAO is organizing a series of events in collaboration with  partners including farmers, fisherfolks, forest holders, livestock keepers, organizations, representatives from other civil society, decision-makers and UN agencies. On the 29th May 2012, FAO held a special event during the 69th  meeting of the Committee...
Adam Athumani is a young, 19 years old, agro entrepreneur and youth leader from the village of Mampando in Singida region in Tanzania mainland.   Adam, comes from a family of agro producers and in the past he was working with them on the family productions of maize, sunflower and sorghum....
Ali Abeid is a young agropreneur from Fujoni village in the island of Unguja in Zanzibar. He attended a 2 weeks training organized by FAO using the Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools (JFFLS) methodology in June 2011 in Kibaha, mainland Tanzania. During the training, Ali strengthened his knowledge on agricultural skills, climate...
This one-week course takes a broad view on child labour in agriculture with an emphasis on the policy options to eliminate this practice and promote safer and more sustainable production processes. Participants will have gained knowledge on child labour in agriculture, including fisheries and aquaculture, forestry and livestock rearing, and on...
On May 3rd a FAO-ILO joint seminar on "Rural Employment" for the Masters program in Applied Labour Economics for Development (MALED) was held at the International Training Centre(ITC-ILO) School of Development in Turin, Italy. The course featured contemporary global labour market challenges, through the perspective of rural employment and decent work. More specifically, decent...
According to the ILO and IFAD "Lack of investments to improve decent work prospects for young people in rural areas often results in lower living standards and de-population of rural areas. The absence of decent work and decent living opportunities and the hope of a better future are the main...
The first official online Training of Trainers course on "Managing your Agricultural Cooperative - My.Coop" will provide additional pedagogical guidelines and advice on how to structure and how to facilitate the My.Coop contents from the general My.Coop training package. After successful completion of the course you will be trained on...
On the 27th of February 2012 the fifty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women opened at United Nations Headquarters in New York from Monday.  This year’s theme is on ‘The empowerment of rural women and their role in poverty and hunger eradication, development and current challenges’. Given the centrality of...
Both agriculture and youth are high on African development agendas. African governments, through the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) have agreed to commit at least 10% of their budgets to agriculture with the goal of a 6% growth in the sector. Greater attention on agriculture is also reflected in aid policies...