Decent Rural Employment


Both agriculture and youth are high on African development agendas. African governments, through the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) have agreed to commit at least 10% of their budgets to agriculture with the goal of a 6% growth in the sector. Greater attention on agriculture is also reflected in aid policies...
The International Partnership for Cooperation on Child Labour in Agriculture has recently opened a twitter account "EndChildLabourAgric" that will be routinely updated with Partnership related publications, news and events. The account has been created to raise awareness about ongoing and upcoming Partnership activities, both at international and national level, as well as the...
More than 80% of the population in Mozambique is active in the agriculture sector. Of these, about 90% work in family farming. The family farming system in the country is characterized by family labor forces and a low degree of mechanization, with the large majority of agricultural production being rain-fed....
In June 2011, the Government of Mali approved a national plan to eliminate child labour by 2020 (Plan National pour l’Élimination du Travail des Enfants au Mali, PANETEM). By doing so, child labour is now placed high on the political agenda. The Government acknowledges that child labour has serious consequences...
Child labour continues to be a great concern around the world. It has been estimated that there are some 215 million child labourers globally and that some 60 percent of them work in the agriculture sector, including in fisheries and aquaculture. Children engage in a wide variety of activities in...
In Tunisia, youth unemployment and high prevalence of vulnerable population, especially in West end Central regions, has been the major cause of the revolution. The political upheaval in the country and in Libya has worsened the situation. It is essential and urgent for the success of the democratic transition process...
In December 2010, knowledge-sharing and planning workshops on child labour in agriculture were organized in Lilongwe, Malawi by the Child Labour Unit of the Ministry of Labour in cooperation with the FAO, ILO and IUF on behalf of the International Partnership for Cooperation on Child Labour in Agriculture. The principal result...
Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) held a side event on the occasion of the Fifth Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention (COP 5)that took place in Geneva from 20 to 24 June 2011. The Conference was attended by more than 500 representatives from countries all over...
A global artistic competition designed to encourage youth to creatively express their views on co-operative principles has been announced today by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) on the United Nations International Day of Co-operatives on July 2. The competition launches at the ICA General Assembly in Cancun, Mexico in November.A...
The 2nd of July 2011 the 17th UN International Day of Cooperatives “Youth, the future of cooperative enterprise” was celebrated. This year's theme highlights how the cooperative model of enterprise can successfully empower youth. It links to the celebration of the United Nations International Year of Youth, which encourages dialogue and understanding across generations...