Decent Rural Employment


On the occasion of the Fifth Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention a side event on “Vulnerable groups and pesticides exposure:  Joining forces to reduce hazardous child labour in agriculture"is being organized by FAO and the ILO (Wednesday 22 June 2011, 13:00-15:00, Centre International de Conferences, Genève). The Rotterdam Convention promotes shared...
The ILO estimates that of the world’s 215 million child labourers, 115 million are involved in hazardous work, including 41 million girls and 74 million boys. Hazardous work is among the worst forms of child labour. It is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children. The highest concentration...
On May 4th a FAO-ILO joint teaching session on "Rural Employment" for the Masters program in Applied Labour Economics for Development (MALED) was held at the International Training Centre(ITC-ILO) School of Development in Turin, Italy. The course featured contemporary global labour market challenges,  through the perspective of rural employment and decent work.   More specifically, rural employment for food security...
Policy decision-makers from countries throughout North Africa gathered in Tunis, Tunisia,from 2 to 4 May 2011, for a policy seminar on the current rise in food prices. The event, organized by FAO in collaboration with the Union du Maghreb Arab (UMA), was aimed at convening decision-makers from government ministries (agriculture, trade and finance) in order to exchange experiences...
The ILO Governing Body at its March 2011 session issued a Report confirming ILO’s mandate and capacity in rural areas, calling to strengthen further ILO’s work targeting decent work deficits that impede rural communities to realize their potential as engines of growth, good jobs creation, sustainable and equitable development, and crisis resilience. The...
A training course on child labour in agriculture: "Harvesting a future without child labour: eliminating harmful practices in agriculture" will be held from 9-13 May 2011 at the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO), Turin, Italy. This one-week course takes a broad view in looking at child labour in agriculture...
The Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) has declared, during its last Executive Council held in January 2009 in Addis Ababa, the years 2009-2019 as the decade of youth development in Africa. The decade is an opportunity to advance the agenda of youth development in all member...
FAO implements a number of projects promoting gender equality among Palestinians by increasing the agricultural opportunities available to women, at the same time enabling the beneficiaries to secure income and improve food security for themselves and their families. During the past years trainings on agricultural techniques and innovations as well as...
Friday 21st January, FAO, IFAD and ILO will launch a report on the Gender dimensions of agricultural and rural employment: Differentiated pathways out of poverty. The event will discuss how gender equality in rural employment can contribute to poverty reduction and food security, boosting local economies and rural development.Policies, case studies and...
The Guidance on how to address rural employment and decent work concerns in FAO country activities has been just produced by FAO with technical assistance from the ILO. The document is the outcome of a longstanding and fruitful collaboration between the two organizations for the promotion of decent and productive employment in rural...