Decent Rural Employment


In the framework of the Africa Food Systems Forum  Summit 2023, held in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, from 5 to 8 September2023, 12 agripreneurs from across the African continent were shortlisted to participate in the GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize. Innovation, market potential, social and environmental impact were among the criteria of selection....
In the framework of the FAO project Building resilience in the Sahel Region through job creation for youth, financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), different employment schemes have been initiated in Mauritania, in collaboration with the Government. The objective of such employment schemes is...
FAO reaffirmed its commitment to mobilize diaspora contributions to rural development through the participation in the Global Forum on Remittances, Investments and Development (GFRID), which took place in Nairobi on 14-16 June 2023. The forum, organized every two years by IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances together with the UN Office of...
Kampala, Uganda – "Uganda is Africa in miniature," said Susan Ngongi Namondo, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Uganda, at the wrap up of the Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC) Resource Partners' Field Trip, held in Uganda from 1 to 5 May. "All the development challenges that are faced in the rest of...
Chegutu, Zimbabwe - "Using beekeeping as an alternative source of income for rural people can reduce poverty among youth and increase food production, while reducing pressures on natural resources," said Philip Tafirei Mushayi, Principal of the Chibero Agricultural College in the Chegutu district of Zimbabwe. Mr. Mushayi was speaking at...
Africa has the youngest population in the world. In spite of the huge opportunity for the continent’s growth represented by such a high number of young people, two-thirds of youth are unemployed or working in vulnerable conditions and low-paying jobs. Young women face additional challenges in the agribusiness sector due...
Between 8th and 11th November 2022, FAO conducted a capacity building workshop in Rwanda on youth-sensitive value chain analysis and contract farming (see related news on Twitter The training was implemented in the frame of the FAO project Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the...
FAO’s Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agrifood system works to strengthen youth voice, ownership and agency in efforts to transform agrifood systems and rural economies. At the policy level, ICA supports the adoption and implementation of national policies and localized strategies for decent youth employment in...
August 31, 2022, marked the first anniversary of the African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) platform, an online community designed for rural youth and entrepreneurs to connect, share and learn from each other in their journey to embrace agriculture as a decent work and profitable business. The platform, launched and supported by FAO’s...
The second event in the series of regional webinars on FAO and the Youth took place on June 6. The webinar aimed at presenting FAO's internal institutional mechanisms for youth mainstreaming, as well as at sharing country-level examples of how FAO country offices are actively supporting the meaningful contribution of...