Decent Rural Employment


Tackling child labour through decent youth employment in agri-food systems

Poverty reduction and food security are intrinsically linked. Both depend on sustainable food systems and safe and sustainable agricultural practices. Similarly, poverty reduction and sustainable food systems can only be realized if those producing food, for their own consumption and for local and global supply chains, have decent working conditions...

Seasonal migration and child labour in agriculture

Agricultural production relies heavily on migrant labour across geographies and production systems, from large-scale plantations growing food crops for global supply chains to small-scale pastoralist families following their herds to new pastures depending on seasons. Much of the migration is seasonal, filling peak labour demands, such as during harvest. Hence,...

The role of international financial institutions and development banks in eliminating child labour in agriculture

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has estimated that achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 on zero hunger alone would require mobilizing an additional USD 265 billion per year in investments. It is also quite clear that reaching the SDGs, which are intrinsically interlinked, will require significantly...

Reducing child labour in agriculture in humanitarian contexts

In 2020, 155 million people in 55 countries/regions were in crisis or worse – an increase of about 20 million people from 2019. In addition, children around the world are negatively affected by worsening education opportunities and the socioeconomic impacts of measures to stop the transmission of the coronavirus disease...

Gender dimensions of child labour in agriculture

Child labour undermines efforts to eradicate hunger, malnutrition and poverty for present and future generations. According to the latest estimates, at the beginning of 2020 there were 160 million children involved in child labour globally, corresponding to almost one in ten of all children worldwide. Of this total, 70 percent...