Empleo rural decente


Modèle d'insertion des jeunes agripreneurs dans les chaînes de valeur agro-sylvo-pastorales et halieutiques

Le Modèle d’insertion des jeunes agripreneurs (MIJA) est un modèle opérationnel de développement rural misant sur le potentiel des chaînes de valeur agro-sylvo-pastorales et halieutiques pour stimuler l’employabilité et l’entrepreneuriat des jeunes, ainsi que l’autonomisation des femmes en milieu rural. Il est développé par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’agriculture...

El trabajo infantil en la caficultura: causas, tendencias y repercusiones para el desarrollo territorial en Guatemala

La caficultura es esencial en el sector agrícola y el desarrollo de Guatemala, genera empleo para miles de personas y pequeños productores y es uno de los principales rubros económicos del país. Para asegurar su sostenibilidad, es imprescindible que no haya participación de trabajadores infantiles, por lo tanto, se realizó...

Will promotion of agricultural mechanization help prevent child labour?

The FAO-IFPRI study, of which this policy brief is a summary, focuses on the use of tractors because they are among the most versatile farm mechanization tools and are universal power sources for all other driven implements and equipment in agriculture, with significant potential to replace animal draught power and...

Tackling child labour through decent youth employment in agri-food systems

Poverty reduction and food security are intrinsically linked. Both depend on sustainable food systems and safe and sustainable agricultural practices. Similarly, poverty reduction and sustainable food systems can only be realized if those producing food, for their own consumption and for local and global supply chains, have decent working conditions...

Seasonal migration and child labour in agriculture

Agricultural production relies heavily on migrant labour across geographies and production systems, from large-scale plantations growing food crops for global supply chains to small-scale pastoralist families following their herds to new pastures depending on seasons. Much of the migration is seasonal, filling peak labour demands, such as during harvest. Hence,...