L'Emploi rural décent


Youth-sensitive value chain analysis and development - Guidelines for practitioners

This publication is intended to assist field practitioners, youth organizations and other stakeholders to identify binding constraints and viable opportunities to youth engagement in value chains that can translate into greater youth inclusion. Considering youth heterogeneity and inequalities, the youth sensitive framework for value chain analysis gives guidance to assess...

Development of an e-commerce platform (D2C) for small and medium-sized farmers and returned migrants agri-entrepreneurs

The feasibility study looks into the e-commerce ecosystem for agricultural products (D2C model) and examines the feasibility of developing a dedicated e-commerce platform for Moldovan farmers, including returning migrants engaged in agri-business. It also focusses on identifying the opportunities, optimal scenarios and interventions, as well as the premises needed to...

Making extension and advisory services nutrition-sensitive

The global youth population has reached the unprecedented figure of 1.2 billion. This exceptional number has enormous potential: with farming populations ageing across the world, the agricultural sector needs to attract youth to ensure generational turnover and foster competitiveness. With their energy, ability to learn and innovative attitudes, youth can...

Modèle d'insertion des jeunes agripreneurs dans les chaînes de valeur agro-sylvo-pastorales et halieutiques

Le Modèle d’insertion des jeunes agripreneurs (MIJA) est un modèle opérationnel de développement rural misant sur le potentiel des chaînes de valeur agro-sylvo-pastorales et halieutiques pour stimuler l’employabilité et l’entrepreneuriat des jeunes, ainsi que l’autonomisation des femmes en milieu rural. Il est développé par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’agriculture...

El trabajo infantil en la caficultura: causas, tendencias y repercusiones para el desarrollo territorial en Guatemala

La caficultura es esencial en el sector agrícola y el desarrollo de Guatemala, genera empleo para miles de personas y pequeños productores y es uno de los principales rubros económicos del país. Para asegurar su sostenibilidad, es imprescindible que no haya participación de trabajadores infantiles, por lo tanto, se realizó...