L'Emploi rural décent


Food security, nutrition, and ending child labour in agriculture for recovery and resilience

An advocacy note has been developed by the FAO, the Global Food Security Cluster, and the WFP to mobilize food and agricultural stakeholders and to upscale action towards the reduction of child labour in agriculture in humanitarian contexts. Special attention should address the heightened risk of child labour in food...

Solutions to youth agripreneurship challenges - Lessons learned from youth agripreneur champions in Uganda

Based on the findings of interviews with the youth champions awarded in the pilot phase of the Youth Inspiring Youth in Agriculture (YIYA) Initiative in Uganda, this case study discusses how youth have overcome the major challenges associated with starting up agribusinesses. In 2017, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)...

Caractéristiques, modèles et vecteurs de la migration rurale au Sénégal

Bien que les flux migratoires en provenance des zones rurales soient un phénomène courant dans la plupart des pays en développement, nous disposons de peu d'informations sur leur dynamique et leurs déterminants. Dans ce contexte, en septembre 2017, dans le cadre du projet «Favoriser les investissements productifs pour créer des...

Eliminating hazardous child labour through safe and sustainable farming practices

The Rotterdam Convention Secretariat (NSPRD) and the Child Labour in Agriculture Prevention team in ESP in FAO have established a strong collaboration throughout the last years. The objective of this brochure is to raise knowledge on the issue of hazardous pesticides and child labour and illustrate FAO’s role and potential...

Addressing hazardous child labour and reducing risks posed by hazardous pesticides

The Rotterdam Convention Secretariat (NSPRD) and the Child Labour in Agriculture Prevention team in ESP in FAO have established a strong collaboration throughout the last years. The objective of this brochure is to provide different stakeholders with an array of information pertaining to hazardous pesticides and child labour/safety, informing them...