L'Emploi rural décent


Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration - Report of the Secretary-General

The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 73/195, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General, drawing on the United Nations Network on Migration, to report to the Assembly on a biennial basis on the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, the activities...

Coffee value chain analysis - Opportunities for youth employment in Uganda

This study aims to analyze the coffee value chain in Uganda and identify opportunities and constraints for enhancing youth employment. Coffee is one of the key agricultural commodities in the Government of Uganda’s pursuance of sustainable growth and job creation, especially for the rapidly expanding youth population. The study outlines...

Mettre fin au travail des enfants - Le rôle décisif des acteurs du monde agricole

Cette série de notes fournit une brève introduction sur les particularités du secteur, les acteurs agricoles et ce qu’ils peuvent faire pour lutter contre le travail des enfants de façon conjointe avec d’autres partenaires. Un accent particulier est placé sur le rôle des ministères de l’agriculture, des agents de vulgarisation...

Rural poverty reduction

The aim behind this publication is to promote and enhance the visibility of FAO's work to reduce rural poverty in Africa by highlighting some of the key achievements. This brochure will serve as an advocacy and awareness-raising tool indicating the variety of important activities achieved by the FAO Regional Office...

Africa’s youth in agrifood systems: Innovation in the context of COVID-19

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, young entrepreneurs in agrifood systems in sub-Saharan Africa were already facing a number of challenges. The main challenges include limited access to natural resources, finance, technology, knowledge and information, and insufficient participation in policy dialogues and other decision-making processes. The COVID-19 pandemic and its disruptions to...