Decent Rural Employment


Building resilience and social cohesion of Sahelian youth through their inclusion in agrifood systems - With and for the youth

The Sahel region is a place of opportunities, rich in human, natural and cultural resources. However, insecurity, climate change, the rise of violent extremism, the erosion of social cohesion and the lack of economic and employment opportunities, are some of the major challenges faced in the region. The regional forum...

Elimination of child labour in agriculture through social protection - Guidance note

The aim of the guidance note on elimination of child labour in agriculture through social protection is to enable practitioners at national, regional and global levels to adapt social protection systems to contribute actively to eliminate child labour in agriculture. Universal social protection can prove an effective means to both address...

Hear it from the countries - Rural youth action plan good practices

Young people are key agents of change, with enormous innovation potential. FAO recognizes that youth are already at the frontline to build more sustainable agrifood systems and are best placed to rejuvenate the sector, acquire the knowledge and skills needed to innovate, uptake new technologies, and spearhead the digital transformation....

Global lessons learned on sustainable reintegration in rural areas

In the context of a global pandemic, many migrants returned to their rural areas of origin, both from cities within their own countries and from abroad. While return migration can be an opportunity, this presented considerable challenges for many migrants and government stakeholders without adequate knowledge, policy and mechanisms in...