Decent Rural Employment


Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agri-food system - An overview of country statistics on Guatemala

This fact sheet is part of a series that provides an overview of several statistics for each of the five countries of FAO’s programme Integrate Country Approach (ICA) for boosting decent jobs for youth in the agri-food system, namely Guatemala, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, and Uganda. More particularly, the statistics proposed...

Rural youth and the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all parts of society and livelihoods around the globe. It is though worth recognizing that disadvantaged segments of populations like rural young women and men will be impacted harder, nevertheless, when proactively engaged, they have demonstrated to be innovators in their own sectors to surmount...

Social protection and child labour

This information note aims at outlining what are child labour and social protection, how social protection can significantly contribute to eliminating child labour in agriculture, and what are FAO’s planned efforts to leverage on social protection interventions to generate knowledge and increase impact at country level on child labour elimination. ...

Inserción laboral de los trabajadores migrantes en el sector rural en Chile

Considering the impact that the recent flow of migration to Chile has had, especially in the labor market, along with the broader trend of declining agricultural occupation that the country has experienced in recent decades, the FAO, the Organization International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labor Organization (ILO)...

Junior farmer field and life schools in the Centrale African Republic

More than 70 percent of the population in the Central African Republic is under 35 years of age. Social and economic exclusion, compounded by a poverty rate of more than 60 percent, has hit the rural population hard, posing a challenge to the country’s peace and stability. The country’s agricultural...