Decent Rural Employment


Empleo rural juvenil y sistemas agroalimentarios en Guatemala

Este análisis de contexto proporciona una visión general de Guatemala, que describe los desafíos, las políticas y los programas de empleo juvenil activos en el país, así como las prioridades de la FAO sobre el empleo juvenil rural decente. Finalmente, también analiza las tendencias y dinámicas migratorias y del trabajo...

Agricultural finance and the youth – Prospects for financial inclusion in Uganda

The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive assessment of the current state of financial inclusion of the rural youth in Uganda, with a specific focus on their engagement in the agricultural sector and the financial services that are available to them to pursue their business ventures in...

粮农组织 移徙 框架

移徙的动因与影响密切关系到粮农组织的全球目标,即根除饥饿、粮食不安全和营养不良,消除贫困以及促进自然资源可持续管理和利用。鉴于其作为联合国专门机构的特性,粮农组织在支持会员国处理农村范围的移徙以及移徙对农村人口的影响(包括农业和粮食系统的未来)方面具有独特的地位。 该文件简要概述了粮农组织移徙框架的结构,解释了粮农组织为何以及如何开展移徙工作。该框架的目的是指导本组织在全球、区域和国家各级开展移徙领域的工作。该文件还针对所有粮农组织的管理机构和会员国,并为与发展伙伴的合作提供基础。

Characteristics, patterns and drivers of rural migration in Senegal

Although migratory flows from rural areas are a common phenomenon in most developing countries, we possess little information on their dynamics and determinants. In this context, in September 2017, in the framework of the project “Fostering productive investments to create decent farm and non-farm jobs for rural youth in migration-prone...

Rural youth employment and agri-food systems in Rwanda

This context analysis provides an overview of Rwanda, describing youth employment challenges, policies and programmes in place as well as FAO’s priorities on decent rural youth employment. Finally, it also analyses the country’s migration trends and dynamics. Almost 88 percent of the world’s 1.2 billion youth live in developing countries....