Decent Rural Employment


Nueva Generación Cafetalera

Este caso de estudio describe la experiencia del proyecto 'La Nueva Generación Cafetalera', enmarcado en el programa ‘Enfoque Integrado de País para la Promoción del Empleo Juvenil Rural Decente’ de la FAO, el cual busca motivar a las nuevas generaciones rurales a descubrir el café de especialidad como un espacio...

Rural Migration in the Near East and North Africa – Regional trends

The Near East and North Africa (NENA) has always been affected and in many ways shaped by the high levels of human mobility. However, rural migration - or migration to, from and between rural areas - is often overlooked, despite its important ramifications for food security, agriculture, rural development and...

FAO Migration Framework

The FAO Migration Framework guides the Organization in carrying out its work on migration at global, regional and country levels. It aims to ensure greater coordination between technical units and decentralized offices, and strengthen coherence and synergies across the Organization. It presents FAO definition, vision and mission on migration and...