FAO in Rwanda


16 October 2017
  Uwimana Annonciata wakes up every day at 3am to go irrigate her crops with water from Yanze River, she is afraid that if she doesn’t get the water early she won’t be allowed to use it. She is also avoiding conflict with other farmers over water from the River. Annonciata’s district, Rulindo, is upstream in the Yanze River that supplies water to Kigali. The Yanze watershed is...
04 October 2017
  Access to reliable and affordable energy is fundamental in achieving economic development, and poverty reduction. It is also a vital input that underpins food security by enabling the various processes that are used to produce, process and transport food from the field to the consumer. However, depending on the type...
10 September 2017
A year had passed after completing secondary school and she had not found a job. Jeanne Aurore Muneza, now a 27 year old couldn not continue to university because her parents were poor. In fact, with that level of education in her rural area, her parents expected her to be...
09 September 2017
  Empowering Women is empowering a Sustainable Society. Economic empowerment is a key step in making women full participants in their communities, through which they can contribute to creating jobs and social and environmental capital. FAO and three other UN agencies (WFP IFAD and UN Women) under the ONE UN initiative, delivering...
02 September 2017
  The designing of Rwanda’s fourth Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture (PSTA4) is taking shape. The plan is the main policy framework for agriculture development in Rwanda. It will come on the heels of the PSTA-3 which ends in 2017/18 financial year. A number of consultations have been carried...