FAO in Rwanda


10 September 2020
Rwanda’s agriculture has experienced tremendous development thanks to national efforts to transform the sector under the Crop Intensification Program (CIP). This growth though has seen an increase in input use including fertilizers and pesticides. Jean Bosco Zirimwabagabo is a 35 year old farmer in Nkotsi sector, Musanze district. He has been...
17 July 2020
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is supporting the government of Rwanda to develop her first ever National Action Plan to combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The plan will guide the country’s efforts in the prevention, slow down, and control of the spread of resistant organisms while ensuring the...
30 April 2020
Agroforestry has long been part of Rwandan farmers. They planted trees for food (fruit), timber, renewable wood energy, poles, fodder, stakes for climbing beans and shade for livestock, but also for soil conservation because they believe agroforestry increases soil fertility, retains water, maintains and improves the surrounding environment, and also...
28 April 2020
Disruptions in agricultural value chains and markets caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are severely affecting rural livelihoods, especially of the self-employed and wage workers. Due to lockdowns and movement restrictions small farmers and agribusinesses are unable to sell their produce. Young rural people are among the most vulnerable groups, already facing higher rates...
23 April 2020
Growing safe food sustainably, saving the increasingly scarce water resource  Growing food without soil or natural light is not something many Rwandans had seen or heard about. Agriculture – growing crop in soil and relying on natural rain and sun is embedded in the culture of the people of Rwanda. Currently, about...