FAO in Rwanda


27 May 2019
Rwanda’s agriculture sector remains the largest employer with about 67.6% of the population relying on it, according to the fourth Rwanda Integrated Household Living Condition Survey (EICV4). The biggest percentage of those working in the sector are farmers. The farmers therefore represent the biggest opportunity for scale and impact in financial...
15 May 2019
The Government of Rwanda together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched new a project to support the country in assessing sustainable bioenergy options to reduce reliance on wood fuel. The project “Bioenergy and Food Security Assessment and Capacity Building for Rwanda” will analyze and identify...
07 May 2019
As Rwanda aims to build strong, demand-driven agriculture research sector, locally –adapted agricultural technologies and innovations are central to addressing the sector’s constraints such as climate change variability and low productivity, post-harvest handling and markets among others. In 2015, the “Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS)” project, supported by the...
26 April 2019
The new Rwanda One Health Strategic Plan II (2019-2024) has been reviewed and validated by all institutions that form the Rwanda One Health platform, marking a milestone towards the improvement of the management of zoonotic and other epidemic diseases. This six-year strategy comes on the heels of the first strategic plan...
22 March 2019
Stakeholders of the One Health platform in Rwanda reviewed the ending Rwanda One Health strategic plan (ROHSP) 2014-2018, with an aim of taking stock of the successes recorded as well as proposing activities to be included in the upcoming strategic plan. The 5 year plan carried three main goals; 1) to...