FAO in Rwanda


16 May 2017
FAO’s Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism (FLRM) and partners will today kick off the inaugural Forest and Landscape Investment Forum (FLIF) in Kigali, Rwanda. Over 16 - 17 May, this event will bring together project developers and business champions from ten African countries and investors from all over the world...
08 May 2017
Gicumbi District, Rwanda: Mukampunga Laurence looks young than her age. Every day is a new day with an exciting experience. She has a visibly clean and tidy homestead. Although a widow,  this mother of 6 children is a respected member of her village in Shangasha sector, Gicumbi district. Her only...
19 April 2017
Linking social protection and agriculture to end extreme poverty and boost nutrition Rwanda has an ambitious target of reducing extreme poverty from the current 16.3 percent to at least 9 percent by 2018 according to the country’s fourth Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey (EICV4) 2013/2014, and finally to 0 percent in...
14 February 2017
Young people in Rwanda constitute more than 40 percent of the entire population of 10,515,973 persons (Fourth Population and Housing Census, 2012) that is projected to increase to 12,663,116 persons (RPHC4: Population Projections, 2020). The rate of unemployment is among youth and women. The agricultural sector constituting 90 percent employment opportunities...
10 February 2017
Cover crops improve yields while at the same time mitigate negative environmental effects through sustainable intensification is a critical step in Africa’s continuing development. Cover crop practice is highly recommended in Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), on lands that are nutrient deficient and/or prone to erosion and drought.