توفير الأغذية: المبادرة العالمية بشأن الحد من الفاقد والمهدر من الأغذية


4 - 6 July 2016
Noordwijk, Netherlands

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16 November, 2017

Rome, Italy

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Virtual exhibition "Grown for a bin"

Inspired by a FAO study on global food loss and waste and its impact on the environment, renowned Austrian artist Klaus Pichler created a series of photography, which is featured in the “Grown for a bin” exhibition. As the title suggests, the exhibit shows unconsumed food in various stages of decay arranged into an elaborate series of still life photographs. The provocative way that food waste is depicted seeks to draw public attention to the issue of food waste and bring about a necessary shift in consumption behaviour.


Proceed to the virtual room below to explore the exhibition.



“I was working on the project for nine months. I wanted it to be provocative and to approach it from the perspective of the consumer. I wanted to trigger emotions with this project – to catch people off guard.”

-Klaus Pichler


Each of the compelling yet repulsive images of food waste is accompanied by a carbon footprint – a history of the journey from field or factory to shelf including all the resources needed for transportation.


Klaus Pichler (b.1977) lives and works in Vienna. He studied landscape planning and landscape architecture at the University of Life Sciences Vienna and works as a freelance photographer since 2005 with a focus on commissioned work and free artistic projects. His photographic interest is in the overlooked aspects of everyday life, the relationship between people and environment, and the tension between natural science, social policy, and media culture.


Concept and photography: Klaus Pichler

Development of the 3D exhibition: Figurative Vertigo


The virtual exhibition is developed under the project “Reduction of Food Loss and Waste in Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Turkey”, implemented as part of the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP II) funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey.