Coping strategies for food waste reduction in food supply chains course

4 - 8 May 2015
Cremona, Italy
This course aims to present some of the issues related to food waste and losses occurring along the food-supply chain, with particular focus on logistics, distribution and final consumption. After presenting the issues in formal lectures, the course will develop these issue through case studies (at the logistic levels, at the distribution level, at the consumer level) and field trips, indicating which strategies and/or best practices could be developed to reduce food waste and losses. Policy implications will also be dealt with.
Robert van Otterdijk, team leader of FAO’s SAVE FOOD Initiative, will present a lecture on “Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction (Save Food): issues, strategies, lessons learnt”.
Registration deadline extended untill April 10th, 2015.
More info: Cremona Executive Education Programme webiste