SAVE FOOD: Initiative mondiale de réduction des pertes et du gaspillage alimentaires

Conference of the report "Food Waste: A Systematic Approach for Structural Prevention and Reduction"

16 November, 2017

Rome, Italy

Food waste has emerged recently as one of the major environmental and socio-economic issues that humanity faces. Analysis on the subject are at the early stage and the concordance on methodologies need to be developed.  The Report "Food Waste: A Systematic Approach for Structural Prevention and Reduction" reviews international literature and analyzes the most relevant links between food wastage and other issues, such a land/soil, water, energy consumption, degradation of biological integrity, climate change, alteration of the nitrogen cycle, food safety and sovereignty, circular bioeconomy, in order to build a socio-ecological vision.

The conference for the Report will be held on November 16, 2017 in Rome at the MATTM Auditorium - Via Capitan Bavastro, 180

You may register online here .