توفير الأغذية: المبادرة العالمية بشأن الحد من الفاقد والمهدر من الأغذية

2018 Food Sustainability Media Award

The Thomson Reuters and Barilla organized Food Sustainability Media Award  is officially open for applications. The award recognizes text and multimedia journalists covering food sustainability. Award prizes include €10,000 and expenses-paid trips to training in London.

The Award seeks especially to highlight three major paradoxes affecting our global food system, and the solutions being put forward to tackle to them:

  • Hunger & Obesity – for every undernourished person there are now two obese or overweight people in the world;
  • Food & Fuel – a third of agricultural cereal crops are sued to produce animal feed or biofuels despite hunger and malnutrition;
  • Waste & Starvation – 1.3 billion tonnes of edible food is wasted every year, four times the amount needed to feed the 815 million undernourished people around the world.

  In the media kit you can find images and suggested tweets.