توفير الأغذية: المبادرة العالمية بشأن الحد من الفاقد والمهدر من الأغذية

P-Ecology Dinner Show

14 June 2016
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto University (KU) has designated June 2016 as Sustainable Month, called “École de”. Many awareness-raising activities on environmental sustainability and food waste reduction will be held on campus. Organized by the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies & Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSGES & GSAIS), the "P-Ecology Dinner Show" will take place on 14 June at Camphora, the KU campus main restaurant.

Conceptualized by Ms Ayaka Nomura, a KU student at GSAIS, the event aims to promote the reduction of food waste as described in the SDGs, stimulate discussion on sustainable food consumption and raise awareness of food waste and sustainable food systems.

Mr Charles Boliko, Director of FAO Liaison Office in Japan (FAOLOJ) and Ms Minako Iue, President of Sailors for the Sea Japan, are designated keynote speakers. KU students and campus restaurants will showcase innovative and environment-friendly kitchen recipes. Promotional materials on food waste will also be available.

This event is one of various work activities that FAO and KU will carry out jointly, as described in the Memorandum of Understanding signed by both institutions. Over 100 participants are expected at the event, including KU students and faculty, FAOLOJ, Kyoto City and Prefecture Municipality and other related organizations. Funding for the event is provided by KU and Sailors for the Sea.