
Reducing food losses and waste to enhance food security and nutrition – Sharing experiences, discussing policies Seminar

16 Sep 2015

Rome, Italy - FAO Headquarters

The seminar focused on discussing policies and sharing experiences on FLW reduction and management within the broader context of food security and nutrition practices among public, private, and civil society stakeholders.

Organized by the Permanent Representation of Italy to UN, the Permanent Representation of Iran/Chair G77 & China, and the University of Bologna – UNIBO at the FAO Headquarters, the seminar had a first session on Food losses: the role of technical and socio-economical innovations and a second session on The nexus between food waste and food security and nutrition.

Both sessions offered knowledge and practical approaches from developing, emerging, and industrialized countries and were attended by renowned members of academia, senior FAO employees, and distinguished public figures.

Further resources

Photo gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/faonews/21453998192/
