توفير الأغذية: المبادرة العالمية بشأن الحد من الفاقد والمهدر من الأغذية
SAVE FOOD Newsletter
SAVE FOOD Newsletter
January 2015
SAVE FOOD newsletter


Allison Aubrey talks with Robert van Otterdijk, team leader of FAO’s SAVE FOOD Initiative, Steven Waldmann of the Society of St. Andrew, and Caroline Kronley of The Rockefeller Foundation about food loss and waste on farms, at the Washington Post’s Feeding the Future live event. Watch the video. Read more...

Throughout 2014, the International Year of Family Farming, FAO worked with its partners to keep the spotlight on family farms as an essential player in the global food, nutrition and agriculture arena. Read more...

The SAVE FOOD Initiative took part in the fifth annual European Food Sustainable Consumption and Production Round Table in November. Participants at the meeting reviewed recent developments in improving environmental sustainability in the food chain, including footprinting activities, such as the European Union’s environmental footprint pilot tests, and activities for reducing food waste.Read more...

Madagascar’s mud crab fishery is an exclusively traditional/artisanal fishing activity, in which fishers on foot or in pirogues (small, local boats) use very simple fishing techniques and gears, such as hand-lines or hooks mounted on sticks.Read more...

Ghana Web
The Ghana office of SNV Netherlands Development Organization, in collaboration with FAO, has launched a fish processing technology – called “FTT” – for producing healthier fish to meet local and international standards. The FAO-Thiaroye (FTT-Thiaroye) project was launched in Accra to create awareness of FTT among fish-smoking communities in Ghana.Read more...

The Guardian
India loses up to US$6.7 billion-worth of fruit and vegetables each year because of the lack of effective technologies to keep produce cool. For example, despite being the world’s largest banana producer, India accounts for just 0.3 percent of the global banana market. Read more...

The Guardian
Rich countries waste food, while poor countries lose it, even though technological solutions are available. This is both tragic and unnecessary according to The Guardian.Read more...

Smallholder farmers to get storage facilities in the United Republic of Tanzania

The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and The Rockefeller Foundation launched a project to test three innovative storage technologies to help smallholder farmers in the United Republic of Tanzania reduce post-harvest losses.

World Bulletin
Turkey’s Minister of Agriculture says that 1 billion people worldwide could be fed with the food that is currently wasted.

Food poverty and the rise in food-bank use have recently brought the issue of food waste to the attention of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reflecting the growing public interest in reducing food waste and redistributing food to those who need it. Read more...

High costs discourage Kenyan farmers from shelling and drying their maize, resulting in increased post-harvest losses that account for 30 percent of farmers’ total maize production. Read more...

The third Asia–Pacific Symposium on Postharvest Research, Education and Extension was held in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam in December. The event covered all aspects of post-harvest research, processing, preservation, packaging and storage of agricultural produce; supply chain management and improved value chains for agricultural products; and management of quality assurance and food safety. Read more...

The Bridgespan Group
Food losses represent an obvious hole in the fabric of global food security and development. However, addressing post-harvest food loss continues to be a confounding challenge. Read more...

Food Tank
Food Tank has highlighted 101 organizations that are playing a vital part in creating a better food system across the world. Read more...

NL Times
The first packaging-free shop in the Netherlands will open in Utrecht. Customers will be able to “pour” their own rice, nuts, beans and oil. Read more...

Partners actions

Crying is permitted: Food Bank in South Africa enables a local charity to feed children and has helped provide a home for a little girl without one. GFN shares the story of three-year-old Chiedra, who was left alone, hungry and homeless after losing both parents.

Serviço Social do Comércio, Ceará - SESC-CE (Portuguese)

The main objectives of Mesa Brasil do Sesc in Brazil are to serve socially vulnerable and food-insecure people and fight against food waste. These actions are possible through a partnership with volunteers and donors in food companies.

Stop Wasting Food movement Denmark

Congratulations to our partner Selina Juul on her award as Dane of the Year 2014 for her excellent work with the Stop Wasting Food movement in Denmark.

Value Chain Management International (VCMI)

VCMI has issued a revised Food Waste in Canada report, which estimates that Canadians waste a staggering Can$27 billion (US$23 billion) of food annually.


Working paper

Working paper


Working paper


Mitigation of food wastage - social costs and benefits

Key Findings

key findings


Food Waste Reduction Alliance Webinar

15 January

“Wir haben es satt!” – Demonstration organized by Foodsharin

17 January
Berlin, Germany


19–22 January
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

First Annual Food Tank Summit

21–22 January
Washington, D.C., United States

IFSI Symposium “Food Systems for Food Security”

10 February
Urbana, IL, United States

International course on lost harvest and wasted food
(Application for NFP & MENA Fellowships should be submitted before 24 March 2015)

14–25 September
Wageningen, Netherlands

(a selection)

Tymax Agribusiness Solutions Limited

Tymax is an Agribusiness consulting, management and capacity building firm.

National Agricultural Research Organisation Uganda

The National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) is a body for guidance and coordination of all agricultural research activities in the national agricultural research system in Uganda.

Stony Brook University

The Department of Technology and Society (T&S), one of eight departments in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Stony Brook University, applies concepts and tools drawn from natural sciences, engineering, and social sciences to examine and enhance the relationship between technology and our society, both regionally and globally.

Global Changemakers

Global Changemakers supported 280 youth-led projects in 128 countries with
200 000 people directly involved and benefiting over 4 million people.

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