SAVE FOOD Newsletter
SAVE FOOD Newsletter
  March 2017, Issue #42
SAVE FOOD: Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction

Latest News


SAVE FOOD Congress 2017

The SAVE FOOD Initiative will present itself for the third time now this year on the occasion of interpack in Düsseldorf. At the international SAVE FOOD Congress on 4 May 2017 speakers from business, science and political spheres and civil society will get together to shed some light on the various facets of the food waste problem. India will be one focal theme this year. In addition to a talk delivered by the Indian Minister of Food Processing Industries, Harsimrat Kaur Badal, a new SAVE FOOD Study will be presented that has analysed the status quo of food losses in India using various case studies. + READ MORE



Waste not, want not

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the first Member State-led global development push in history, laying out specific objectives for countries to meet by a given timeframe with achievements monitored periodically to measure progress. Each country is reviewing the 17 goals to determine how they can be translated into feasible but ambitious development plans, and how they can commit national efforts to produce real change – based on their own priorities, needs, stage of development, capacities, resources, strategies, partnerships and means of implementation. The reduction of food losses and waste will impact a number of other SDGs that target either more efficient resource use, reduction of hunger by increasing the availability of food or reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. + READ MORE

The future of food and agriculture: trends and challenges

The world will need to shift to more sustainable food systems which make more efficient use of land, water and other inputs and sharply reduce their use of fossil fuels, leading to a drastic cut of agricultural green-house gas emissions, greater conservation of biodiversity, and a reduction of waste. This report identifies 15 trends and 10 challenges affecting the world's food systems including food losses and waste. + READ MORE

The First Africa-wide Post-harvest Food Loss Reduction Conference and Exhibition

The conference whose theme is Reducing Food Losses and Waste: Sustainable Solutions for Africa, will provide an excellent platform for researchers, academics, farmers, industry, development agencies, civil society and policy makers to learn, share information, build networks and partnerships with the overall objective of identifying effective interventions to reduce food loss and waste on the continent. The Community of Practice on Food Loss Reduction will be presented during the Plenary Session on 30th March. This event will take place in Nairobi, Kenya from 28th to 31st March, 2017. + READ MORE

The business case for reducing food loss and waste

A new report makes plain the very sound business case for reducing food loss and waste. The figures will turn the head of even the hardest-nosed budget director. After evaluating cost and benefit data for 1,200 business sites across 700 companies in 17 countries, researchers from World Resources Institute (WRI) and Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) found that nearly every company had a positive return on their investments to curb food loss and waste in operations. + READ MORE

Food Sustainability Media Award

An international competition for journalists launched by the Barilla Center For Food and Nutrition (BCFN) in collaboration with the Thomson Reuters Foundation to choose the best articles, photos and videos on the subject of sustainable food. The targets are journalists from around the world, as well as bloggers and vloggers, looking to highlight the key paradoxes in the food system: the coexistence of hunger and obesity; the overexploitation of natural resources and the use of agricultural land to produce biofuels rather than feed people; and the quantity of food wasted, from the field to the table, despite the fact that many people do not have enough to eat. + READ MORE

Supporting innovative technologies for post-harvest loss reduction
The New Times

More than 50 local agribusiness dealers and farmers will undergo post-harvest and storage handling and pitching training in Nairobi Kenya. Under the theme, Supporting Innovative Technologies for Post-harvest Loss Reduction the training which will begin on April 4-5 will focus on how best to reduce post-harvest loss through better storage management practices and technologies. + READ MORE

Combating food waste report: an opportunity for the European Union to improve the resource-efficiency of the food supply chain
European Court of Auditors

The audit examined the role the EU plays in combating food waste, the actions taken thus far and the way in which the various EU policy instruments work to reduce food waste. It focused on the actions of prevention and donation which are those most preferred in the fight against food waste. + READ MORE

Missing Food project
European Journalism Centre

The Innovation in Development Reporting Grant Programme (IDR) is a media-funding project operated by the European Journalism Centre (EJC). The aim of this project is to carry on a data-driven and cross-border investigation about the post-harvest loss in Sub-Saharan Africa. The methodical base of this project is the construction of datasets to analyse production, food export and import by country, amount of food loss, and foreign and domestic investment to solve this problem. + READ MORE

The fight against food waste is becoming big business
The Huffington Post

New food products made from surplus produce. Mobile apps which help you buy cheap surplus food from restaurant’s buffets. Supermarket offers on cheap food nearing its expiry date. And large marketing campaigns by the retailers and the industry to show off their work to stop wasting food. + READ MORE



Las frutas desperdiciadas están de luto
Campaña promovida por el convenio Prosperidad Social y FAO para sensibilizar a los colombianos sobre las pérdidas y desperdicios de alimentos que, de acuerdo con datos de DNP, asciende a 9,6 millones de toneladas de comida al año. Las voces de quienes participaron en el convenio Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional para la Equidad y la Paz resumen la intervención que realizó Prosperidad Social y la FAO en Montería y Atlántico.
The food waste fighter
How Selina Juul gave up her life to reduce food waste. BBC published a documentary about Stop Wasting Food movement Denmark (Stop Spild Af Mad) and Denmark’s fight against food waste.


How access to energy can influence food losses
The report begins by reviewing the evidence to date focussing on the magnitude and geographical distribution of food losses.
Losses, inefficiencies and waste in the global food system
This paper aims to understand better the magnitude of different losses and to provide insights into how these influence overall food system efficiency.


Zero Hunger Dialogue on Food loss and Waste
Webinar 16 March 2017
Convened in support of the UN Secretary-General’s Zero Hunger Challenge as the third in a series of Global Dialogues on food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture, this webinar will feature expert and practitioner insights on eliminating loss and waste of food.

13th Annual Packaging Design and Innovation Conference
Rome, Italy, 15 – 16 March 2017
Fighting food waste via innovative packaging design workshop with overview lecture and panel debate

First Africa-wide Postharvest Food Loss Reduction Conference and Exhibition
Nairobi, Kenya, 28 – 31 March 2017
Theme is “Reducing Food Losses and Waste: Sustainable Solutions for Africa”.

Canada's 2017 Food Loss and Waste Forum - Finding Solutions
Mississauga, Canada, 12 April 2017
This premier event will bring together leaders in food loss and waste from across Canada's food value chain.

The Nordic Food Waste Prevention Conference 2017
Oslo, Norway, 27 April 2017
Good opportunities for networking, discussions, presentations of projects, products and services that can make food waste prevention happen

ZERO WASTE FOOD conference dedicated to eliminating food waste
NYC, United States, 28 – 29 April 2017
The New School and the Institute of Culinary Education (ICE) have partnered to roll out the Zero Waste Food conference to focus on how we can discover better methods for the way we produce, distribute, consume and dispose of food in the environments where we cook and where we eat.

REFRESH Food Waste 2017
Berlin, Germany 18 – 19 May 2017
Multi-stakeholder conference connecting champions of food waste reduction and valorisation.