Third Regional Dialogue for Food Losses and Waste Prevention towards more sustainable food systems in Latina America and the Caribbean
Seeking to strengthen national and regional actions within the framework of the Inter-sectoral Working Groups on Food Losses and Waste, and the Regional Alliance for the Reduction of Food Losses and Waste (FLW), progress will be made in the validation of a proposal for an International Code of Conduct for the Prevention and Management of Food Losses and Waste in the Region. This code aims to identify needs and harmonize efforts at regional and global level, to prevent and reduce FLW in order to contribute in the establishment more sustainable food systems, in the framework of the Agenda 2030 (specially the goal 12.3). The Regional Dialogue will be held on 7 – 8 June, Santiago de Chile. + READ MORE
FAO Experts Evaluate Food Loss and Waste in Georgia
Exchanging experience and information on food loss and waste reduction in Georgia was the main objective of the stakeholders’ consultation workshop held on 24 May 2017 in Tbilisi. The workshop was organized by the European Union (EU) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) within the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD). At the workshop, FAO expert Ms. Maryam Rezaei presented her study on Food Loss and Waste in Georgia. The study was based on interviews with growers, processors, exporters and other actors within the hazelnut, citrus and potato value chains. + READ MORE
FAO and partners encourage social innovation to reduce food loss and waste in China’s biggest city
The one-day event, dedicated to finding ways to stem food loss and waste in Shanghai, was co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Bottle Dream, an organization dedicated to social innovation in China. Eight keynote speakers from North America, India and China, along with more than 500 other participants attended the event. Panellists discussed ways to reduce food loss and waste, while an exhibition and lunch, made from blemished foods, were designed to prove that, while not perfect in appearance, many foods thrown away are still tasty and absolutely edible. + READ MORE
FAO carries out field studies on the root causes and “mechanics” of chickpea, mango, milk and rice losses in India
The scientific work focused on all stages of the value chain for chickpeas, mangos, milk and rice, quantified losses and shows approaches for counter measures. As a first step researchers drew on existing sets of data from numerous Indian research institutes from the food and agricultural sector, for instance, to then gain further insights through their field studies. To this end, farmers, processors, wholesalers and retailers as well as forwarders and warehouse operators were interviewed on a scientific basis. In addition to this, shipments were tracked on their transport routes in order to capture the quantity of losses. In the case of mangos the researchers also interviewed export business stakeholders. + READ MORE
National Workshop: Capacity building for food loss reduction in the Near East and the Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction
Two-day National Workshop on food loss reduction on April 24 and April 25 in the Lancaster Tamar Hotel, Beirut. Technical National Consultants held the workshop presentations from the Lebanese University, Project Coordinators from the Ministry of Agriculture, and experts from the FAO. This workshop is part of an FAO Technical Cooperation Project entitled: “Capacity building for food loss reduction in the Near East” which is being implemented in Lebanon, Egypt, Iran and Jordan. This workshop aimed at validating the post-harvest food losses assessment in the apple supply chain by representatives of all concerned stakeholders. Participants to the capacity building training workshop trained on food safety and post-harvest, and ended the workshop with recommendations and an action plan. + READ MORE
Reducing Food Losses through Improved Post-Harvest Management in Ethiopia
FAO is implementing a project titled “Reducing Food Losses through Improved Post-Harvest Management in Ethiopia” in collaboration with and the Federal Government of Ethiopia through the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resource. A project funded by SDC, aimed at contributing to improved food security of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia through reduction of crop post-harvest losses at farm and primary cooperatives level. + READ MORE
First Africa-wide Post-Harvest food loss reduction Congress and Exhibition news and Forum discussion
The World Food Preservation Center® LLC in conjunction with its sister University (University of Nairobi) and a consortium of Universities and a Research & Development Institution in Africa organized the First all Africa Post-harvest Loss Reduction Congress and Exhibition. The Congress’s theme was on ‘Reducing Post-harvest Food Losses: Sustainable Solutions for Africa’ and brought together diverse stakeholders in the food supply chain including farmers, transporters and traders. An online discussion is open in the Community of Practice Forum for exchanging on the Congress theme and continuing the debate on the different topics addressed in the Congress sessions. Do not hesitate to join the discussion and leave your comment and insights. + READ MORE
ACP-EU – 28th meeting of Economic and Social Interest Groups European Economic and social Committee
Triennial meeting between EU and ACP delegates discusses lessons learned from EPAs and calls for greater involvement of economic and social actors in future development policies after Cotonou. The European Economic and Social Committee held the 28th Meeting of Economic and Social Interest Groups of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of states and EU countries in Brussels on 15-16 May. Trade relations, the new European consensus for development, prevention and reduction of food loss and waste, industrialisation as a development driver, and the future of EU relations with ACP countries were the five main themes of the conference, as outlined in a jointly accepted declaration. + READ MORE
Publications |
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Events |
Third Regional Dialogue for Food Losses and Waste Prevention Santiago, Chile, 7 – 8 June 2017 This event seeks to strengthen the exchange of experiences and solutions among the actors in the food system in relation to the management of food loss and waste.
MACS-G20 initiative on Food Losses & Waste Reduction workshop Berlin, Germany, 20 – 22 June 2017 An Initiative of the Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists of G20 states UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Federal Republic of Germany.
Second International Forum on Agri-Food Logistics: ‘Logistics Facing Challenges of Food Security and Environmental Protection’ Poznan, Poland, 22 – 23 June 2017 The forum will include topics on ‘Food losses and waste in the agri-food sector’.
Workshop on Food waste in healthcare: European policy and national initiatives Brussels, Belgium, 27 June 2017 This workshop, organised by HCWH Europe will provide an overview of the on-going policy developments at both the EU and international levels to prevent and reduce food waste.
Sustainable Retail Summit Montreal, Canada, 2 – 3 October 2017 From eradicating forced labour, reducing and measuring food loss and waste to supporting healthier diets and lifestyles, this event provides practical sessions on how to implement change and meet these challenging demands head on. Registrations are now Open!
