Сохранить продовольствие – глобальная инициатива по сокращению продовольственных потерь и пищевых отходов

FAO Liaison Office in Japan raised awareness explored further collaboration between FAO and Japan government, civil society and private sector on food waste reduction.

The Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD-VI)

  • 27 - 28 August 2016, Nairobi, Kenya
    TICAD-VI will be a milestone of the TICAD process, since it will be the first-ever TICAD Summit to be held in the African continent in its over 20 years of history. [read more]

FAO and Kyoto University

  • 14 June 2016: In celebrating the signing of the MoU between FAO and Kyoto University, a joint Food Waste event was organized on KU campus and Charles made a keynote presentation, sharing convincing data from FAO and drawing attention to the need to reduce FW. The event was well attended.
    FAO Liaison Office in Japan continues to increase collaboration with various stakeholders in raising awareness of food security issues. In this context, the topic of Food Waste is resonating particularly well with Japanese audiences, from children to adults, from Civil Society to private companies. The authoritativeness of FAO’s data on the subject is changing attitudes and continues to provide LOJ with an opportunity to make a contribution to the Japanese society.

P-Ecology Dinner Show

  • 2016: Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
    Kyoto University (KU) has designated June 2016 as Sustainable Month, called “École de”. Many awareness-raising activities on environmental sustainability and food waste reduction will be held on campus. Organized by the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies & Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSGES & GSAIS), the "P-Ecology Dinner Show" will take place on 14 June at Camphora, the KU campus main restaurant [read more]

Each year, Japan discards 6.4 million tons of food that is still edible

  • 2016
    Each year, Japan discards 6.4 million tons of food that is still edible, according to a government estimate. A Japanese weather services provider wants to cut down on that waste by unleashing the power of artificial intelligence [read more]

Brochure - Global initiative on food loss and waste reduction

Global initiative on food loss and waste reduction

Food losses refer to the decrease in edible food mass available for human consumption throughout the different segments of the supply chain [...]
(in Japanese)

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Global food losses and food waste

Global food losses and food waste

The study highlights the losses occurring along the entire food chain, and makes assessments of their magnitude. Further, it identifies causes of food losses and possible ways of preventing them [...]
(in Japanese)

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Fighting Food Loss and Food Waste in Japan

Fighting Food Loss and Food Waste in Japan

Japan discards approximately 18 million tonnes of food annually, an amount that accounts for 40 percent of national food production [...]

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