SAVE FOOD: Initiative mondiale de réduction des pertes et du gaspillage alimentaires

Closing Workshop for Project "Capacity Building for Food Loss Reduction in the Near East"

  • 2017: The main objective of TCP/SNO/3501 “Capacity Building for Food Loss Reduction in the Near East” was to implement a training and awareness-raising program to strengthen national capacity of local leaders of producer associations, food industry managers and extension personnel on good practice in food handling and improved value chain management. The participating countries are Egypt, Iran, Jordan and Lebanon whom all share the same common issues of concern for food security; food loss and waste (FLW) reduction; poverty alleviation; health and safety of the population and preservation of the natural environment. [read more]

Un atelier national: la construction des capacité pour réduire les pertes alimentaires au Proche Orient et l’Initiative globale pour réduire les pertes et le gaspillage alimentaires

  • 2017: Sous le patronage de Son Éminence le Ministre de l’agriculture, M. Ghazi Zeaiter, l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) et le Ministère de l’Agriculture du Liban ont organisé un atelier national de deux journées sur la réduction des pertes alimentaires, le 24 et 25 Avril, au Lancaster Tamar Hotel, à Beyrouth. Lors de cet atelier, les consultants nationaux techniques de l’Université du Liban, les coordinateurs de projet du Ministère de l’agriculture, ainsi que des experts de la FAO, ont délivré des présentations. [Lire la suite]

Des ateliers de formation visant à construire une capacité nationale en matière d’analyse des chaînes de valeur et de réduction des pertes et du gaspillage alimentaires

  • 2016: 1-3 Novembre, Khartoum, Sudan.
    Le Soudan est un pays clé faisant partie de l’Initiative régionale pour la construction de la résilience visant à la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (RI-FSN), dont une parmi ses cinq régions de référence est en train de promouvoir le développement de systèmes alimentaires durables et efficaces axés notamment sur la réduction des pertes et du gaspillage alimentaires (FLW). [Lire la suite]

La Conférence régionale de la FAO pour le Proche Orient (NERC) : 33ème séance

  • 2016: 9 - 13 Mai, Rome, Italie.
    Les travaux sur le thème de la réduction des pertes et du gaspillage alimentaires (FLW) continuent au niveau régional et national. Les gouvernements du Proche Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord (NENA) ont déployé des efforts conjoints pour reconnaître la question des pertes et du gaspillage alimentaires, sensibiliser le public à la prévention et réduction et s’engager dans des actions stratégiques. [Lire la suite]

Workshop on Food Loss and Waste

  • 2016: 20 January, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
    National workshop on Food Loss and Waste within the context of Food Security organized in Saudi Arabia on 20 January 2016 under the patronage of H.E the Minister of Agriculture [read more]

The Near East and North Africa Region
CFS Regional Multi-stakeholder Food Security and Nutrition Workshop

  • 2015: FAO Regional Office for the Near East in collaboration with the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is organizing a Regional Multi-Stakeholder workshop on Food Security and Nutrition, in Amman, Jordan from the 28-30th April, 2015. On the agenda is the critical issue of FL&W in the Near East and North Africa, and the emerging and planned actions among the region’s countries. A side event will see the launch and of a Regional Food Losses and Waste Network to promote knowledge, information, and experience exchange on FL&W reduction in the region. [read more]

Reducing food losses in the Near East and North Africa

  • 2014: Launch of a FAO Technical Cooperation Project “Capacity Building for Food Loss Reduction in the Middle East” [read more]

World Food Day 2014 and Food Waste Round table discussion

  • 2014: the World Food Day 2014 celebrations in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Water of the United Arab Emirates [read more]

FAO Regional Conference for the Near East

Regional Multi-stakeholder Workshop on Food Security and Nutrition

Expert Consultation Meeting on Food Losses and Waste Reduction in the Near East Region

  • 2012: Due to several limitations the Near East and North Africa Region does not produce enough food and, at the same time, it loses and wastes significant amounts of food throughout the supply chain, from initial production down to final household consumption. This results in high and growing dependence on food imports, and a major food insecurity problem. [read more]

FAO Regional Conference for the Near East (NERC)