Science, Technology and Innovation

FAO and WUR transformative partnership - Communicating and harnessing science effectively 

When: 18 October 2022 | 9:00 – 10:30 hrs (CEST)

Where: FAO Austria Room

Modality: Hybrid


FAO and WUR have a long-standing partnership and share common objectives to promote and carry out innovative and sustainable approaches for improving lives while safeguarding natural resources in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In December 2021, a renewed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by the FAO Director-General and the President of the Wageningen University and Research Executive Board to further strengthen and accelerate their cooperation. By signing the MoU, FAO and WUR committed to strengthening capacity building, facilitating knowledge exchanges, and providing resources to advance their common goals.  They will enhance dialogue on science, including by developing knowledge and expertise, and harness the foremost science-based evidence on emerging technologies for agrifood systems.  Under this new framework agreement, eight technical areas of cooperation have been established: (1) improved agrifood economics; (2) sustainable animal production and health, (3) impacts of climate change, biodiversity, and environment; (4) sustainable fisheries and aquaculture; (5) improved food security and nutrition; (6) strengthened agrifood systems and food safety; (7) sustainable forestry; and (8) partnership enhancement.  As a linking pin in all these areas of cooperation, 'Global One Health' has been chosen as the theme around which the expert panel will talk about: Transformative Partnerships and Communicating and harnessing science effectively.This Event aims to: (i) showcase FAO’s and WUR’s visions, missions, and their joint efforts to support the achievement of the SDGs through effective science communication, dissemination and application of scientific knowledge in field level activities, including of the crucial role of education, capacity development, lifelong learning, and training; (ii) discuss the role of transformative partnerships in developing scientific knowledge, facilitating policies debate that are science and evidence-based, and advocating and promoting science-policy interfaces for agrifood systems transformation to support the One Health Approach; (iii) provide a networking and knowledge exchange platform for experts, students and professionals during a week full of events due to the concomitant realization of three fora: the World Food Forum, the Hand-in-Hand Investment Forum, and the Science and Innovation Forum; and (iv) inspire the audience to learn more about FAO-WUR joint work and on the role of effective science communication for agrifood systems transformation.


09:00 – 09:10

Introduction and setting the scene 

Yasmina Bouziane
Deputy Director and Officer-in-Charge, Office of Communication, FAO


FAO-WUR new priorities aligned with the 2021 Memorandum of Understanding

Sjoukje Heimovaara
President of the Wageningen University and Research Executive Board 

H.E. Ambassador Marcel Beukeboom
The Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN Organizations for Food and Agriculture 

Ismahane Elouafi
Chief Scientist, FAO 

09:40 – 10:10






Technical Panel discussion

WUR Expert 
Wim van der Poel
Research Leader 'Emerging and Zoonotic Viruses' 

ILRI Expert 
Hung Nguyen
Co-Leader, Animal and Human Health Program, International Livestock Research Institute  

FAO Expert 
Barbara Haesler
Knowledge and Evidence Lead for One Health, FAO

10:10 – 10:25

Moderated Q&A session 

Yasmina Bouziane
Deputy Director and Officer-in-Charge, Office of Communication, FAO


Wrap Up and Closing 

Sjoukje Heimovaara
President of the Wageningen University and Research Executive Board 

Ismahane Elouafi
Chief Scientist, FAO

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