Science, Technology and Innovation

COAG SIDE EVENT: FAO Science and Innovation Strategy and its relevance for the Committee on Agriculture (COAG)


Hybrid Event, 21/07/2022


Background: FAO Science and Innovation Strategy

Science and innovation serve as a foundation for the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 and have cross-sectoral relevance across the Organization’s programme of work. The first-ever FAO Science and Innovation Strategy (ScI Strategy), with the overall aim of strengthening FAO’s capacities to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Strategic Framework 2022-31, was discussed at the 133rd session of the Programme Committee, and endorsed by the Council at its 170th session.

The ScI Strategy aims to bolster recent developments that have strengthened FAO’s work on science and innovation by providing Organization-wide guidance, coherence, and alignment on science and innovation to better serve Members. Recent sessions of the FAO Committee on Agriculture (COAG) have had a strong focus on innovation, and the Strategy responds to the Committee’s related recommendations.

Objectives and thematic areas

The side event aims to raise awareness among Members and COAG participants on FAO’s first-ever Science and Innovation Strategy and its relevance for COAG. The event will facilitate a discussion on topics relevant to COAG. Four topics have been selected:

  • science and innovation for climate change,
  • science and innovation for livestock,
  • strengthening the science-policy interface, and
  • promoting access of small-scale producers to innovations.

The Director-General will open the event. High-level panelists will share their knowledge and experience in these four thematic areas, and the audience will be engaged in a dynamic Q&A session. With an enhanced understanding of the ScI Strategy's goal, pillars, outcomes, and guiding principles, COAG Members will be better positioned to strengthen synergies between science and innovation and the work of COAG. 

The side event will be moderated by Dr Zitouni Ould-Dada, Deputy Director, FAO Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment.

Opening remarks by the FAO Director-General

Thursday, 21 July
12:15-13:45 Rome time (CEST)

Zoom (link)
FAO HQ (Sheikh Zayed Centre)


Watch the video on FAO’s first ever Science and Innovation Strategy!