Science, Technology and Innovation


Emerging technologies and innovations in response to agrifood system transformation: foresight calls for action

When: 19 October 2023 | 18:30 – 20:00 hrs (CEST)
Where: Philippines Room
Modality: Closed

Agrifood system transformation calls for science, technology and innovation (STI) with impact in the right time and context. To help navigate the complex environment of STI in agrifood systems and assist FAO Members in longterm participatory and evidence-based planning, FAO with partners has embarked on foresights on STI that will emerge in 2030-2100. This session will focus on findings from the horizon scanning on STI, envisaging impactful developments and anticipating trade-offs; technologies and Innovations scenarios for a long-term strategic visioning, consensus-building, and shaping innovation policies; recommendations for resources and capacities allowing the global community to maximize on benefits and minimize challenges of STI in agrifood systems, while ensuring sustainable, inclusive, and resilient future for all. The session will gather panelists from the farmer community, research, government and non-governmental sector, will be opened by FAO Chief Economist, closed by FAO Chief Scientist and moderated by the Director of Office of Innovation, FAO.