SIDS Solutions Platform

Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Solutions Forum

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of Samoa through its Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries has invited world leaders from Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Pacific, as well as heads of technical and resource partner organizations and countries to attend the Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Solutions Forum, scheduled to take place in 28-30 November 2022 in Samoa’s capital, Apia. Hundreds of public policymakers and practitioners, community leaders, farmers, entrepreneurs, private sector stakeholders will also join the event to discuss and present creative Pacific-based solutions and opportunities for innovation in efforts to defeat hunger and malnutrition for all.

Under the theme “Working together to leave no one behind” the 2022 Pacific SIDS Solutions Forum is organized to follow up and build on the global SIDS Solutions Forum of 2021 through identifying country-specific and regional successes (good practices), challenges and next steps within the context of advancing the achievement of the SAMOA Pathway and 2030 agenda in the context of COVID-19 and the 5F crisis (food, fuel, feed, fertilizer, and financing) recovery.

Events: Pacific Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) Solutions Forum

Theme: Working together to leave no one behind

Date: 28-30 November 2022

Pacific SIDS Solutions Forum recording are available below:

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Throughout the Forum, participants will be provided with new analysis, tools and knowledge to develop country-specific follow-up action points on:

·        COVID-19 recovery efforts and strategies to address impacts of the war in Ukraine war;

·        the progress and lessons learned from the work linked to national food systems transformation;

·        identification and expansion of innovative digitalization in agrifood systems;

·        South-South and Triangular Cooperation in action in the Pacific;

·        creative approaches to addressing non-communicable diseases (NDCs) in the Pacific;

·        learning about and promoting the multidimensional Vulnerability Index.


The event will also present an opportunity to launch the first Pacific overview of the situation of nutrition and food security report as well as present the FAO Pacific Multicountry Programming Framework for 2023-2027.

The Forum will be held physically in Apia, Samoa but will also include virtual participation of partners and attendees via Youtube and Zoom livestream.


Why Pacific SIDS

The 2022 tsunami in Tonga, which nearly destroyed the entire economy of the country is only but one example of the devastating context of natural disasters confronted by Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Like other SIDSs, Pacific SIDSs (the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu) are challenged by their remoteness, high vulnerability to climate change-induced disasters, dependence on imported foods, and a high incidence of diet-related diseases.

The impacts of COVID-19 are significant for the Pacific, largely because of their economic (import, tourism and remittance dependence), agricultural (short value chains) and health (diet-related diseases) context. Governments’ preventive measures such as international and domestic border closures, restricted government and business hours, unintentionally triggered near total economic paralysis. The tourism sector collapsed with far reaching ramifications for agriculture and food security. In addition, COVID-19 recovery efforts by Pacific SIDS are being undermined by the disruption of global supply chains linked to the war in Ukraine. For example, in Samoa, petroleum prices from May to June 2022 increased by 11 percent and 20 percent for unleaded and diesel respectively (MAF Samoa). These impacts are reversing critical successes and progress made in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the SAMOA Pathway in the Pacific SIDS.


Building on previous successes

The Pacific SIDS Solutions Forum is organized to collaboratively report on the partnerships developed to advance the recommendations of the 2021 global SIDSs Solutions Forum, and also invite partners to share national experiences and formulate concrete follow up actions that can accelerate collective progress in achieving the SDGs in Pacific SIDSs. Since the 2021 global SIDSs Solutions Forum, FAO committed resources and invested in partnership building at community, national, regional and global levels to facilitate the implementation of the Forum’s recommendations. The Pacific SIDS Solutions Forum will provide a platform to be highlight, strengthen and expand these partnerships for the benefit of the Pacific people.



Preliminary agenda

Day 1 - Monday 28 November 2022

Day 1 - Monday 28 November 2022

Pacific SIDS Solutions/Innovations & Field trips

7:30 - 9:00am

Arrival, Registration/Tea/Coffee

9:00 - 9:30

Session 1: Welcome

9:00 - 9:05

MCEE Welcome, Ms Fiasili Vaeau-Lam, FAO Pacific Sub-Regional Policy Officer

9:05 - 9:10

Prayer – Reverend Brenda Reed-Moenoa, all Saints Anglican Church

9:10 - 9:30

Introduction of the Forum, the 2021 SIDS Solutions Innovators & Field Visits

Mr Jong Jin Kim, FAO Assistant Director General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific

9:30 - 11:15

Session 2: 2021 SIDS Solutions Innovators

9:30 - 10:00

Innovation I: Fiji /Tonga - My Kanna App for nutrition education (regional replication Ms Irene Chief, University of the South Pacific

10:00 - 10:30

Innovation II: Samoa /Vanuatu - Maua App e-commerce platform (regional replication) - Ms Anamaria Saili, Maua App


10:30 - 10:45

Innovation III: Samoa – Vanilla farming & e-marketing (small holder farm & local replication) VIDEO – Ms Shelley Burich, Vaoala Vanilla Owner/Manager

10:45 - 11:15

Innovation IV: Solomon Islands - Jedom Organifruits/USP Hot Air dryer for the production of fruit and tuber chips introduced in Solomon Islands (regional replication) -  Mr Doni Keli, Owner/Manager

11:30 - 16:30

Session 3: Site Visits

11:30 - 13:30

Site Visit I: Innovation V: Scientific Research Organization of Samoa – (Research & Development)

This tour will be led by Seuseu Dr Edward Tauati, Chief Executive Officer of SROS

Vote of Thanks: Hon:Elina Akinaga, Secretary for Department of Resources and Development, Federated States of Micronesia (TBC)


14:00 - 15:00

Site Visit II: Innovation VI: Visit SCATAP (Samoa-China Agricultural Technical Aid Project) (Demo Farm)

This tour will be led by Dr Jim Liu

Vote of Thanks: Hon: Augustine Auga-Maeue , Solomon Islands Minister of Agriculture and Livestock (TBC)

15:15 - 16:15

Site Visit III: Innovation VII Ah Liki Farm (Commercial Farm), This tour will be led by Mr Clyve Westerlund, Ah Liki Farm

Vote of Thanks: Honourable Nakou Natuman, Vanuatu Agriculture Minister (TBC)

16:45 - 17:45

Group preparations for reporting back on Tuesday  


End of Day 1




Day 2 - Tuesday 29 November 2022

Day 2 - Tuesday 29 November 2022

Inaugural & Opening session of the forum

08:00 - 09:15

Registration/Arrival, coffee and tea

9:30 - 10:00

Session 4: Official Opening

9:30 - 9:32

MCEE welcome – Ms Xiangjun Yao – FAO Sub Regional Coordinator for the Pacific  

9:32 - 9:35

Opening Prayer – Reverend Fa'atafa Nefu, EFKS Alamagoto:

9:35 - 9:38

SIDS Solutions Forum Video

9:38 - 9:45

Welcome Remarks –Mr QU Dongyu, FAO Director General

9:45 - 9:55

Opening Address – Hon Fiame Mata’afa, Samoa Prime Minister

9:55 - 10:00

Remarks – HE Ambassador Webson, AOSIS Chair

10:00 - 10:15

Group Photo/Coffee, tea break

10:15 - 12:00

Session 5: Ministerial Session

10:15 - 10:17

MCEE Welcome & Introductions – Mr Jong-Jin Kim, FAO Assistant Director General

10:17 - 10:30

Presentation of the regional impact of COVID-19, 5F crisis on food systems in the Pacific (Ms Xiangjun Yao, FAO Sub Regional Coordinator for the Pacific)

10:30 - 12:00

Ministerial statements (the impact of COVID-19, 5F crisis on food security & Food Systems transformation in the Pacific)


Cook Islands (live) Hon Vainetutai Rose Toki Brown, Minister for Health, Parliamentary Services, Agriculture, Cook Islands National Superannuation and Internal Affairs


Federated States of Micronesia (live) Hon Elina Akinaga, Secretary for Department of Resources and Development, Federated States of Micronesia


Kiribati (live) Hon Ruateki  Tekaiara, Minister for Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development


Niue (live) Hon Crossley Tatui, Minister for Finance and Infrastructure


Palau (recorded) Hon:Steven Victor, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment


Samoa (live)  Hon Laauli Leuatea Schmidt, Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries


Solomon Islands (live) Hon Augustine Auga Maeue, Minister for Agriculture and Livestock


Tonga (Virtual) Hon Lord Fohe, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forests


Vanuatu (live) Hon Nakou Natuman, Minister for Agriculture


Fiji  Mr Vinesh Kumar, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture  


Marshall Islands Mr Lajikit Rufus, Chief of Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources & Commerce


Nauru (tbc)


Tokelau (tbc)


Tuvalu (tbc)


EU - Partner response: H:E Sujiro Seam, Ambassador and Head of the Delegation, European Union for the Pacific

12:00 - 13:00

 Session 6: Collaboration to Implement National Food Systems Transformation Pathways in the context of the 5F crisis:

12:00 - 13:00

Moderator: Tilafono David Hunter, CEO Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries


·        National Convenor 1: Vanuatu, Mr Antoine Ravo, Director Agriculture and Rural Development  – focus on governance

·        National Convenor 2: Samoa, Ms Tai Matatumua, Assistant CEO Agriculture and Fisheries – focus on inclusion, diversity and equity

·        National Convenor 3: Fiji, Mr Vinesh Kumar, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, focus on national food policies

13:00 - 14:00


Innovations and South South & Triangular Cooperation for accelerating agrifood transformation in the Pacific

14:00 - 18:00

Session 7: Progress since the 2021 SIDS Solutions Forum

14:00 - 14:15

Chair: Hon Toelupe Onesemo, Minister for Information Communications Technology, Samoa  (tbc)

Session 7a: Post 2021 SIDS Solutions Forum Follow up Report 


Angélica María Jácome Daza, Office of SIDS LDCs and LLDCs &

Ms Xiangjun Yao, Sub Regional Coordinator for the Pacific

14:15 - 15:50


Chair: Hon Crossley Tautui, Minister for Finance and Infrastructure, Niue  (tbc)

Session 7b: The innovation landscape in the Pacific SIDS

Presentation: Tarek Rashid of the Chicago based Civilizogy

Panel 1: What should be the vision and key priorities for the agribusiness innovation agenda in the pacific SIDS to sustain local innovations?

·        Tom Misikea, Niue ICI and Public Service Commission

·        Lefaoalii Unutoa Auelua Fonoti  , CEO Samoa Ministry of Information Communications Technology

·        Alain  Simeon, Manager Information Communications Technology,  – MALFFB, Vanuatu

Panel 2: Where do we need increased innovation investment?

·        Ms Fiona Lynn, Australia Department of Foreign Affairs

·        Mr Afamasaga Toleafoa, PIFON

Session 7c: Country Reporting Back/Discussion on the Pacific Innovations & field trips, lessons learned and south south cooperation

Chair: Hon:Laauli Leuatea Schmidt

·        Cook islands

·        FSM

·        Fiji

·        Kiribati

·        Marshall Islands

·        Nauru

·        Niue

·        Palau

·        Samoa

·        Solomon Islands

·        Tokelau

·        Tonga

·        Tuvalu

·        Vanuatu

15:50 – 17:00

Session 7d: Pacific Innovators Accelerator Camp

Chair: Hon Dickson Panakitasi Mua, Solomon Islands Minister of Forestry (tbc)

Farm Technology Group Innovators

·        Tautu Farm (Martishar Jeona Mani)

·        Vanila (Elema Uhatahi)

·        Kokonagti Farms (Brigitta Fa’afiti-Lo Tam)


·        Mika Perez, Tokelau Natural Resources

·        Esline Garaebiti, Vanuatu Director General of Climate Change

Product Development Group Innovators

·        Jedom Organic Foods (Donisiano Kelly)

·        Rock Island Coffee (Kenneth Edward Green)

·        Herbsfarm (Linda Keremoi-Elton)


·        Temarama Anguna, PS Cook Islands Agriculture

·        Vinesh Kumar, PS Fiji Agriculture

Digital E-Commerce Group Innovators

·        Maua App (Ana Maria Saili)

·        Cyber Food (Majid Shahzad)

·        Loving Islands (Litia Marie Taukave)


·        Tom Misikea, Niue ICT

·        Lefaoalii Unutoa Auelua Fonoti, Samoa ICT

Food Sustainability Group Innovators

·        Mykanna App (Alvina Karan)

·        Coconut Flour by Teuabwebwe Youth Club (Tuvina Beero)

·        Samoa Women’s Association of Growers (Mele Mauala)


·        Russel  Tamata, Vanuatu Director General of Health

·        Siale Akauola, Tonga Chief Executive Officer of Health

Wrap up: Kevin dela Cruz

17:00 – 18:00

Session 7e: A Case Study of SSTC: FAO Capacity Development Programmes for Pacific SIDS for Sustainable Agri-food Systems Transformation

Moderator: Xiangjun Yao, FAO Sub-regional Office for the Pacific Islands

·        Training at a Glance : Mr Shengyao Tang, FAO Representative to Korea

·        President of Kangwon National University

·        Deputy Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROK

·        Programme Overview: Dr Jiyong Lee, Assistant Professor, Kangwon National University

·        Lessons learned from the programme: Mr Shalendra Reddy, Senior Research Officer, Ministry of Agriculture of Fiji

·        Takeaways from the programme Ramona Stephanie O’Connor Sulifoa, Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Samoa

·        Interview on how to apply gained knowledge: Ms Annelise Halafihi, Agricultural Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forest of Tonga

·        Ms Jessica Kim of N-thing

FAO DG Day2 Closing Remarks

18:10 - 21:00

Opening Dinner, Tanoa Tusitala Hotel




Day 3 - Wednesday 30 November 2022

Day 3 - Wednesday 30 November 2022



Addressing challenges with new tools

08:00 - 9:00

Arrival, tea, coffee

9.00 - 9.15

Recap of Day 2: My Joseph Nyemah, FAO Sub-Regional Nutrition Officer

9.15 - 10:25

Session 8: Pacific Overview of the Situation of Nutrition and Food Security

(panel of the Pacific heads of FAO, IFAD, WFP, UNICEF, WHO and SPC chaired by a Minister)


Chair:  Hon. Augustine Auga Maeue, Minister for Agriculture and Livestock, Solomon Islands(tbc)


Presentation: Mr Joseph Nyemah, FAO Sub-Regional Nutrition Officer


Panel 1: Panellists of Development partners:

What are the policy and technical implications of these findings?

How do you see your organisation playing a role to improve nutrition and food security in the region?

     Xiangjun Yao,  FAO Subregional Coordinator for the Pacific

     Alpha Bah,  World Food Programme Country Director for the Pacific

     Pradiumna Dahal, UNICEF Chief of Nutrition for the Pacific

     Karen Mapusua, SPC  Director, Land Resources Division

·     Dr Tomo Kanda WHO Team Coordinator, Pacific Non Communicable Disease & Health


Panel 2: Country representatives

This report is a new tool for the region. How do you plan to use this report and key findings to improve nutrition and food security status

·     Bob Williams, Cook Islands CEO of Health

   Saitofi Mika, Kiribati Secretary of Agriculture

   Lottie Vaisekavea, Solomon Islands


Wrap up: 

Dr Sarah Burkhart, Senior Lecturer, Nutrition & Dietetics, University of the Sunshine Coast

10:25 - 10:40

Coffee and tea break

10:40 - 11:40

Session 9: Creative Approaches to Addressing Non-communicable Diseases in the Pacific

Moderator: Mr Joseph Nyemah, FAO Pacific Sub-Regional Nutrition Officer


Chair: Hon. Vainetutai Rose Toki Brown, Minister for Health, Parliamentary Services, Agriculture, Cook Islands National Superannuation and Internal Affairs (TBC)



Success stories globally in addressing NCDs

Dr Sarah Burkhart, Senior Lecture, Senior Lecturer, Nutrition & Dietetics, University of the Sunshine Coast



Do you think that any of the success stories would work in your countries, if so, which one, and why? If none of them is applicable to your country, please explain why?

·        Nemia Bainivalu, Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Human Services

·        Russel  Tamata, Vanuatu, DG of Health

·        Siale Akauola, Tonga CEO, Ministry of Health

·        Eretii Timeon, Kiribati Director of Health

·        Bob Williams, Cook Islands CEO of Healh

·        Earlynta (Linda) Chutaro, RMI Director of Environmental Health

11:40 - 12:30

Session 10:  Role of the MVI as an Innovative Solution to SIDS Development Challenges


Chair: Hon Elina Akinaga, Minister of Resources and Development, Federated States of Micronesia (TBC)



History and Development of the MVI as an Innovative Solution to SIDS Development Challenges

Dr Simona Marinescu, Resident Coordinator for Samoa, Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau.   


Panelists from Government and International Organization to reflect on the presented information and respond to questions 1-5

   Hon. Crossley Tatui, Minister of Finance, Niue

   Mr Sai Navoti, Chief , SIDS Unit, UNDESA

·     Peseta Noumea Simi, CEO, MFAT Samoa

1.      Review the history and motivation for development of an MVI as a solution to SIDS development challenges.

2.      Elaborate in particular on how the MVI could be a useful and innovative tool for tackling some core issues in the Pacific: climate financing shortages; food insecurity; non-communicable disease etc.

3.      Update on the MVI development process including its structure and components, highlighting how it differs from previous vulnerability indices.

4.      Provide perspectives on how an agreed MVI will help to catalyse support for SIDS’ sustainable development.

5.      Highlight the political economy around an MVI and how countries can come together to support an MVI that meets their needs, whilst at the same time calming concerns of major donor countries and multilateral agencies

12:40 - 13:45

Lunch break and departures





Our speakers

For the latest list and bios of our speakers, please go here.