SIDS Solutions Platform

Pacific Week of Agriculture and Forestry 2023

The Government of Fiji with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Pacific Community (SPC) will host the Pacific Week of Agriculture and Forestry, taking place from 6 - 10 March 2023 in Nadi, Fiji.

The Pacific Week of Agriculture and Forestry (PWAF) is a bi-annual event that brings together leaders, experts, and stakeholders from the agriculture and forestry sectors in the Pacific region to discuss key challenges and opportunities facing the sectors. This year's theme is "Growing Together: Transforming Pacific Agriculture and Forestry".

When: 6 – 10 March 2023

Where: Sofitel Hotel, Denarau Island, Nadi, Fiji

How to attend: register at


Led by the Government of Fiji with support from FAO and SPC, this year's Pacific Week will include the Meeting of Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry as well as the Regional Meeting of the Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services to be held on 10 March and 9 March respectively. The first three days of PWAF (6–10 March) will feature a series of side-events designed to address key topics facing the agriculture and forestry sectors in the Pacific region: Among them are:

  • pandemics, climate change and natural resource security,
  • transforming agriculture and forestry through science and technology, and
  • creating a circular green economy for agriculture and forestry.

PWAF participants will have the opportunity to hear from leading experts in the field, attend interactive workshops and sessions, and network with industry professionals.

We look forward to seeing you at the Pacific Week of Agriculture and Forestry.

FAO will also organize a series of its own side-events focused on various themes related to the agriculture and forestry sectors in the Pacific region, including:

Pacific good practices in Implementing and monitoring forest and landscape restoration - Enhancing resilience for people and nature

Pacific good practices in Implementing and monitoring forest and landscape restoration - Enhancing resilience for people and nature

6thMarch 2023, 11:00 -13:00

Venue: Ball Room 3, Sofitel Hotel, Nadi, Fiji

United Nations has declared 2021-2030 the Decade for Ecosystem Restoration (UN Decade is led by FAO and UN Environment), with the aim of preventing, halting and reversing the degradation of ecosystems on all continents and in all oceans; build political momentum; and create a global movement and scale up successful restoration actions. 

FAO works with key partners and countries, through various programs that contribute to national and international commitments and processes. The organization facilitates key partnerships for restoration, such as the United Nations Decade. 

The Pacific Island states seeks to further enhance sustainability in agriculture, especially in the fields of livestock, fisheries, food systems, forest management, agricultural and food supply, and biodiversity conservation. The debates on the proposal for a regulation on restoration of nature, Climate Justice is being led by the PIS//SIDS at the last COP 27. 

The event will focus on increasing the knowledge and political attention to implementing and monitoring forest and landscape restoration solutions in the fight against climate change, with co-benefits on local livelihood and economies.

Agribusiness Incubation: a potent strategy towards sustainable agrifood systems transformation

Agribusiness Incubation: a potent strategy towards sustainable agrifood systems transformation

  • 6th March 2023, 2-4 PM
  • Venue: Sofitel, Ball Room 3

The session will introduce Agribusiness Incubation as a powerful cross cutting strategy that can foster sustainable improvement in production, productivity and remuneration in the agriculture sector which includes crops, livestock, fisheries, forestry and natural resource management while promoting consumption of healthy foods in the consumers. Agribusiness Incubation has proven highly successful in India, Kenya, Nigeria and elsewhere globally in engaging youth and women in enhancing value from rural activities and in creating meaningful rural jobs.





14:00 – 14:05

Opening remarks from FAO

Xiangjun Yao, Subregional coordinator, FAO SAP, Samoa

14:05 – 14:20

Presentation in Agribusiness Incubation

Hemant Nitturkar, Agriculture Officer, FAO

14:20 – 15:00

Perspectives from countries

  • The Cook Islands
  • Fiji
  • Samoa
  • Solomon Islands

Q & A with the presenters


Temarama Anguna

Vinesh Kumar (TBC)

Seuseu Tauati

Lottie Vaisekavea


15:00 – 15:40

Two breakout group discussion

Questions for the two groups:

  1. Opportunities and Challenges in fostering agribusiness currently in the Pacific countries
  2. What Governments are doing currently to support youth and women agripreneurs, and what more can be done?
  3. What support may be needed from FAO or other partners to further develop this space?



Reporting back to the plenary by two groups


15:55 – 16:00

Wrap up

Xiangjun Yao, Subregional coordinator, FAO SAP, Samoa

From the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) to the Joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security adopted at COP27

From the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) to the Joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security adopted at COP27

7 March 2023, 09:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Ballroom 4, Sofitel Hotel, Denarau, Nadi, Fiji or online via the following link: (Passcode: 58580171)


Objectives of the session:

i)       Share updates and lessons on the implementation of the KJWA in the Pacific

ii)      Raise awareness on the decision adopted at COP27 on the  Joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security

iii)    Share countries priorities on the call for action on the implementation and scaling up of climate actions on agriculture and food security in the Pacific 





Topic/Key question


Section 1: Opening Session

Moderator: Malia Talakai





Welcome remarks by Chair


Section 2: Updates/sharing lessons on the implementation of the KJWA

Moderate: Malia Talakai


Updates implementation of the KJWA

Dr Siosiua Halavatau

Senior Technical Advisor, FAO


Sharing lessons on implementation of KJWA

Improved soil carbon, soil health and soil fertility (Mucuna)

Dr. Rohit Lal

PHARMA Plus Fiji



Sharing lessons on implementation of KJWA

Improved nutrients use and manure management towards sustainable and

resilience (targeted compost)

Mr. Vunivesi Minoneti

Head of Research

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food


Sharing lessons on implementation of KJWA

Improved Livestock management

Systems (dry litter piggery and biogas)

Mr. Tilafono David Hunter

CEO Ministry of Agriculture (former)



Sharing lessons on implementation of KJWA

 Improved water management for food and agriculture – water quality and access

Mr. Matio Lonalona

Director Agriculture







Morning tea

Section 3: Anticipatory Actions

Moderator: Malia Talakai




10 '

Anticipatory Action

Ms. Catherine Jones

Emergency and Rehabilitation Officer

FAO Regional Office Asia Pacific


Financial protection: Changing the way we manage disasters

Mr. Aholotu Palu

CEO - Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company




Section 4: COP 27 Updates - Pacific priorities on the call for action

Moderator: Malia Talakai





Updates from COP27 KJWA




Dr. Tekini Nakidakida

Principal Research Officer

Land Resource Planning & Dev

Min of Agriculture & Waterways



Country priorities on the call for action  on the implementation and scaling up of climate actions on agriculture and food security in the Pacific 

Lau Dr. Viliamu Iese

Senior Research Fellow Drought Resilience and Climate Studies & Associate Director 

Victoria Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub

School of Agriculture and Food  University of Melbourne


Feedback - summary for side event outcomes




Dr. Viliami Manu

CEO Ministry of Agriculture






Promoting ecologically-based alternatives to highly hazardous pesticides to enhance food safety and security in the Pacific Region

Promoting ecologically-based alternatives to highly hazardous pesticides to enhance food safety and security in the Pacific Region

  • 8 March 2023, 1:30 -2:30 AM
  • Venue: Ball Room 3, Sofitel, Nadi, Fiji

Ecological pesticides, such as biopesticides and botanical pesticides, are made from natural sources and have low toxicity to non-target organisms. They can provide effective pest control while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. Education and awareness-raising campaigns can be helpful in promoting the use of ecological pesticides and encouraging farmers to adopt more sustainable agricultural practices.

Pacific Regional Pesticide Registration Scheme (PRPRS) was developed towards harmonization of pesticide registration in the region. The PRPRS is a regional support mechanism that pools resources and technical expertise from the member countries to facilitate national decision making based on sound scientific evaluations. The regional support mechanism will also foster regional collaboration and harmonization of national systems so that technical capacity is strengthened through sharing of risk assessment methodologies and data/information management systems; and information and knowledge of agro-ecological alternatives are identified and supported.

PRPRS will regulate phasing out of HHPs (highly hazardous pesticides) which are an attributing factor to causing cancer in humans. Replacing HHPs with ecologically friendly products re-assures improvement of human and the environment health thus contributing to One Health.





13:30 – 13:35

Opening remarks from FAO

Xiangjun Yao, Subregional coordinator, FAO SAP, Samoa

13:35 – 13:40

Opening remarks from SPC

Gibson Susumu, Programme Leader, Sustainable Agriculture, SPC

13:40 – 13:50

Introducing FAO project on Promoting ecologically based alternatives to highly hazardous pesticides

Hemant Nitturkar, Agriculture Officer, FAO

13:50 – 14:10

Presentation on Pacific Regional Pesticide Registration Scheme (PRPRS)

Atumurirava Fereti, Pest and Disease Advisor, SPC

14:10 – 14:30



Scaling up agroecology in the Pacific: using traditional knowledge and innovation to address food system and climate change

Scaling up agroecology in the Pacific: using traditional knowledge and innovation to address food system and climate change

·        Date: Wednesday 8th March

·        Time: 1:00 - 4:00 PM

·        Venue: Legendary Room, Sofitel resort, Nadi

·        Registration: 

This side event aims at sharing lessons learned from the implementation of a network of agroecological demonstration farms across the region and initiating a discussion on the conditions for mobilizing traditional and scientific knowledge for a better use of natural resources in the context of climate change. It will contribute to raising awareness about the principles of agroecology in the Pacific and its relevancy, based on the testimonies of the actors involved in this network: institutions (SPC, FAO), local actors (Department of Agriculture of French Polynesia), universities and the farmers involved.

It also aims to present the methods implemented, which are based on the tracking of innovation among farmers, and new methods of cooperation between researchers and farmers in order to combine traditional knowledge with scientific advances. 

Exchanges of experience between the PROTEGE and POFLN projects will be presented as a concrete illustration of cooperation between French-speaking territories (New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis & Futuna) and English-speaking countries (Fiji, Nauru, Tonga, Solomon Islands) in the region.



Welcome remark


Program Manager - PROTEGE, SPC

Global perspective on Agroecology: Concept, Practices and Evaluation
(FAO mandate on Agroecology, why AE matters, How AE is implemented, importance to evaluate its performance, focus on the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation)


Agriculture Officer (Agroecology)
FAO Regional Office for Asia & the Pacific

Agroecology in French Polynesia:
Vision and Public Policies of French Polynesia
Institutional settings and projects to support and promote agroecology


Philippe COURAUD
Director, Agriculture Division of French Polynesia Government

PROTEGE to enhance regional cooperation in order to promote agroecology:
Why focusing on Agroecology in a climate change project?
Presentation of the different actions supporting agroecology
Focus on the network of demonstration agroecological farms


Clément GANDET
Agriculture and Forestry thematic coordinator, SPC

Agroecology through KIWA initiative:
Presentation of the preliminary findings about agroecology in Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands and Nauru through the use of TAPE


Organic and Agroecology Production Systems Officer, SPC

Q&A with the audience


Moderated by Pierre FERRAND and Clement GANDET




Agroecology by those who implement it
Farmers testimonies
Presentation of farms, activities implemented, experience sharing about agroecology implementation and use of TAPE


Françoise HENRY
Organic farmer, vice president of Biofetia PGS & Bio Marama association, French Polynesia

Farmers from Fiji and New Caledonia (TBC)

Q&A with the audience


Moderated by Pierre FERRAND and Clement GANDET

Coalition for Transforming Food Systems through Agroecology :
Presentation of the coalition, its members, its objectives
Exchange with the audience in regards to the possible involvement of Pacific Countries and Territories 


Agriculture Officer (Agroecology)
FAO Regional Office for Asia & the Pacific

Concluding remarks and vote of thanks


Program Manager - PROTEGE, SPC



Fuatino A. Fatiaki - Organic and Agroecology Productions Systems Officer for the Pacific Organic Learning Farms Network (POLFN) project implemented by SPC and funded by Kiwa. The project aims at developing access to organic farming methods and technologies to address food security, climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation

Peggy Roudaut - Program Manager, PROTEGE project, implemented by SPC & funded by EU in New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis & Futuna. PROTEGE aims at promoting sustainable & climate change resilient economic development by emphasizing biodiversity & renewable resources

Clément Gandet - Agriculture & Forestry thematic coordinator, PROTEGE project, which aims at accompanying the agroecological transition to bring about climate-change-adapted & biodiversity-friendly farming

Philippe Couraud - Director of the French Polynesia Agriculture Division (DAG) which implements the agricultural and forestry policy for the territory

Françoise Henry - Organic farmer on 9 Ha in Tahiti (fruit orchards, vegetable garden and laying hens). President of Bio Fetia PGS association and part of the PROTEGE network of agroecological demonstration farms

Pierre Ferrand - Agriculture Officer, Regional focal point for Agroecology and the UN Decade of Family Farming, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok, Thailand)