Socio Economic Research and Analysis (SERA)

From humanitarian to development assistance

©Fao/Isak Amin

Project's full title From humanitarian to development assistance: Cash plus interventions in Somalia
Countries Somalia
Start date 31/10/2020
End date 01/02/2022
Status Closed
Recipient / Target Areas Somalia
Objective / Goal In partnership with Middlebury College, this project implements an experimental impact evaluation to assess the impacts of providing agro-pastoralist in Somalia with longer-term cash transfers bundled with extension advice, relative to the standard short-term humanitarian assist support typical used in Somalia
Partners USAID Markets, Risk and Resilience Innovation Lab
Related publications

This brief summarizes the evidence on the impacts of FAO 'Cash plus agricultural inputs' program in Somalia on food security, adoption of agricultural practices, wealth and productive assets.


This study examines the FAO cash plus agriculture program in Somalia. This multi-faceted intervention provides agricultural inputs, training and cash transfers to vulnerable agro-pastoralist households living in districts and villages that experienced severe weather shocks. We exploit variations in the implementation of this program to assess the effect of receiving inputs only and inputs plus cash on a range of protective and productive outcomes.