Socio Economic Research and Analysis (SERA)

Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness Project (SACP)

Farmers harvesting wheat from a field along the way from Rajshahi to Nachole, approximately 250km northwest of Dhaka.

©FAO/Giulio Napolitano

Project's full title Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness Project (SACP)
Countries Bangladesh
Start date 01/11/2018
Status Ongoing
Donor Bangladesh
Recipient / Target Areas Bangladesh
Objective / Goal The Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness Project (SACP) aims to significantly increase incomes and food and nutrition security by helping smallholder farmers become more responsive and competitive in producing diverse, high-value crops and marketing fresh and processed agricultural products.
Partners FAO Office of Bangladesh
Beneficiaries The project will directly benefit 250,000 rural households in Southern Bangladesh, prioritizing women, youth, and disadvantaged households, who represent the highest percentage of the rural poor in the region.
Activities To achieve its objectives, the project will provide technical training, access to high-quality inputs, and develop irrigation infrastructure, including canal rehabilitation, community ponds, buried pipes, and crop dykes. These efforts are designed to enhance the capacity of smallholders across 30 upazilas in 11 districts of Southern Bangladesh.
Impact Through these activities, the project seeks to enhance the capacity of smallholders across 30 upazilas in 11 districts of Southern Bangladesh. Specifically, it aims to improve productivity and resilience for 250,000 rural households, thereby contributing to increased incomes and food security in the region.