Socio Economic Research and Analysis (SERA)

Data collection in Isiolo, Kenya

In collaboration with FAO Kenya, FAO HQ conducted a training of enumerators for data collection in Isiolo, Kenya.

This data collection eventually took place in Chari, Cherab, Oldonyiro, and Sericho wards of Isiolo district. This was a 4 day training workshop which consisted of: 

(a) familiarizing the local enumerators with surveying concepts and the baseline questionnaire instrument. 
(b) translations of the English questionnaire into Swahili, Borana, and Samburu since the respondents were (mostly) from Borana and Samburu ethnicities and these were the main languages spoken in different parts of the survey region.
(c) familiarization and practice of data collection with Kobotoolbox (a computer-assisted personal interviewing tool).