Las bibliotecas de las Islas Canarias organizan actividades de concienciación sobre los suelos

La Asociación de Bibliotecarios de Tenerife (Probit), Islas Canarias (España), organiza todos los años unas jornadas, de una semana de duración, para celebrar el Día Internacional de las Bibliotecas, que se conmemora el 24 de octubre.  

Dicho evento se denomina “Jornadas Bibliosolidarias” y tiene como objetivo unir a todas las bibliotecas participantes de las Islas en un proyecto común y solidario para convertir, durante una semana, las Bibliotecas de Canarias  en espacios vivos de encuentro y compromiso social. 

Como este año se celebra el Año Internacional de los Suelos, hemos propuesto organizar las IV Jornadas Bibliosolidarias planteando una serie de acciones de sensibilización sobre la importancia y preservación de los mismos como un recurso natural básico para el desarrollo de la vida.

La Asociación ha invitado a todas las bibliotecas de las Islas Canarias a abordar la solidaridad con los suelos de nuestro entorno,  a crear conciencia de su fragilidad y a debatir sobre la importancia de su sostenibilidad. 

Durante la semana del 19 al 24 de octubre, las Bibliotecas participantes en el proyecto, bajo el lema de la FAO “Suelos sanos para una vida sana” organizarán actividades culturales y educativas mediante exposiciones, mesas temáticas, paneles informativos, talleres, charlas y conferencias con el fin de concienciar a su comunidad de la importancia de preservar este recurso.

Inicialmente participan un total de 17 Bibliotecas de las Islas Canarias. En la Isla de Tenerife once, dos de la isla de La Palma, una en Gran Canaria y dos de la Isla de Fuerteventura.  Son las siguientes:  la Biblioteca de la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Tenerife y las bibliotecas públicas municipales  de Santa Cruz, La Laguna, El Rosario, Arafo, Güimar, Adeje, Icod, y Arona. A éstas se han sumado la Real Sociedad La Cosmológica y la Biblioteca Antonio Pino Pérez en La Palma, la Biblioteca Pública Raíz del Pueblo y la Biblioteca de Corralejo en Fuerteventura.


Las opiniones expresadas en este blog pertenecen a sus autores y no necesariamente representan el punto de vista, postura, estrategias u opiniones de la FAO.

Submitted by Grupo coordinador de PROBIT





nefar iron beds 02-03-25 00:53
Nefertete proudly stands as a global leader in the export of premium-quality vegetables and fruits, representing the very best of Egypt’s agricultural excellence. By seamlessly blending the timeless traditions of Egypt’s rich farming heritage with cutting-edge, innovative techniques, we are able to deliver fresh, nutritious, and meticulously cultivated produce that consistently meets and exceeds the highest international standards. Our passion for quality and attention to detail ensure that every product we export carries the essence of Egypt’s fertile lands and the care of its people.

At the heart of our mission is an unwavering commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction. We take pride in connecting Egypt’s abundant harvests to tables across the globe, offering an authentic taste of our land in every shipment. Whether it’s the vibrant colors of our vegetables or the rich, natural flavors of our fruits, Nefertete ensures that every item reflects the highest levels of quality, freshness, and care. Our dedication to sustainable practices not only preserves the environment but also supports the communities that cultivate these agricultural treasures.

As your trusted partner, Nefertete is dedicated to sourcing and delivering the finest agricultural products from the heart of Egypt. We understand the importance of building lasting relationships with our clients, and we strive to exceed expectations with every delivery. Our goal is to share the richness of Egypt’s agricultural bounty with the world, creating a bridge between our fields and your table.

Discover more about how Nefertete brings the best of Egypt to the world, celebrating the flavors, traditions, and innovations that make our produce truly exceptional. Join us on this journey as we continue to set new standards in global agriculture, one harvest at a time.
nefar iron beds 02-03-25 00:50
Nefertete proudly stands as a beacon of excellence in the global export of premium-quality vegetables and fruits. Rooted in Egypt’s rich agricultural heritage and enhanced by modern, innovative techniques, we specialize in delivering fresh, nutritious, and meticulously cultivated produce that meets the highest international standards. Our dedication to quality ensures that every product reflects the natural abundance and care of our land.

Driven by an unwavering commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction, we bridge the gap between Egypt’s fertile fields and tables around the world. Each shipment carries the authentic flavors and vibrant essence of our region, offering a true taste of Egypt’s agricultural excellence. From crisp, colorful vegetables to succulent, flavorful fruits, Nefertete guarantees unparalleled quality and freshness in every bite.

As a trusted partner, Nefertete is your gateway to sourcing the finest agricultural treasures from the heart of Egypt. Our mission is to share the best of what our land has to offer, fostering connections through the universal language of food.

Discover more about how Nefertete brings the best of Egypt to the world, one harvest at a time.
nefar iron beds 02-03-25 00:16
Nefertari: Pioneering Egyptian Strawberry Exports with Excellence

Egypt, a land renowned for its ancient history and fertile lands, has emerged as a global leader in agricultural production, particularly in the cultivation of strawberries. Among the key players in this thriving industry is Nefertari, a name synonymous with quality, innovation, and sustainability. Nefertari has positioned itself as a trailblazer in producing and exporting Egyptian strawberries, bringing the taste of Egypt to the world while adhering to the highest international standards.

Egypt’s unique climate, with its warm days and cool nights, provides the perfect conditions for growing strawberries that are not only flavorful but also visually appealing. Nefertari has capitalized on this natural advantage, leveraging advanced agricultural techniques and state-of-the-art technology to ensure that their strawberries meet the demands of the most discerning markets. From carefully selecting the finest varieties to implementing sustainable farming practices, Nefertari has set a benchmark for excellence in the industry.

One of the standout features of Nefertari’s strawberries is their exceptional quality. The company prioritizes freshness, ensuring that the strawberries are harvested at peak ripeness and promptly cooled to preserve their taste and texture. This meticulous attention to detail has earned Nefertari a reputation for delivering premium strawberries that are both delicious and nutritious. Whether enjoyed fresh, in desserts, or as part of a healthy snack, Nefertari’s strawberries are a testament to Egypt’s agricultural prowess.

Beyond quality, Nefertari is committed to sustainability. The company employs eco-friendly farming methods, minimizing water usage and reducing its carbon footprint. By prioritizing environmental responsibility, Nefertari not only contributes to the preservation of Egypt’s natural resources but also aligns with the growing global demand for sustainable produce.

Nefertari’s strawberries have found their way to markets across Europe, the Middle East, and beyond, earning accolades for their taste, appearance, and consistency. The company’s success in exporting Egyptian strawberries is a source of national pride, showcasing Egypt’s ability to compete on the global stage.

In conclusion, Nefertari is more than just a producer of strawberries; it is a symbol of Egypt’s agricultural innovation and commitment to excellence. By delivering world-class strawberries to international markets, Nefertari is not only boosting Egypt’s economy but also sharing a piece of its rich heritage with the world.
nefar iron beds 02-03-25 00:13
Nefartete Company: Revolutionizing the Orange Export Industry

In the bustling world of agricultural exports, few names shine as brightly as Nefartete Company, a trailblazer in the global orange export market. With a commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation, Nefartete has carved out a reputation as a trusted supplier of premium oranges to markets around the world. From its humble beginnings to its current status as an industry leader, the company’s journey is a testament to the power of vision, hard work, and a deep respect for nature.

Nefartete Company was founded with a simple yet ambitious goal: to bring the finest oranges from the sun-drenched orchards of its homeland to tables across the globe. Specializing in the cultivation, harvesting, and export of oranges, the company has mastered every step of the supply chain. By partnering with local farmers and investing in state-of-the-art technology, Nefartete ensures that every orange it exports meets the highest standards of freshness, flavor, and nutritional value.

One of the key factors behind Nefartete’s success is its unwavering commitment to sustainability. Recognizing the importance of preserving the environment for future generations, the company has implemented eco-friendly farming practices, reduced water usage, and minimized its carbon footprint. From solar-powered irrigation systems to biodegradable packaging, Nefartete is leading the way in sustainable agriculture. This dedication to the planet not only benefits the environment but also resonates with consumers who are increasingly seeking ethically sourced products.

Nefartete’s oranges are renowned for their exceptional taste and quality. Grown in nutrient-rich soil and nurtured by optimal climatic conditions, these oranges are bursting with flavor and packed with essential vitamins. Whether enjoyed fresh, juiced, or used in culinary creations, Nefartete oranges are a favorite among chefs, health enthusiasts, and families alike.

The company’s global reach is another testament to its success. With a robust distribution network spanning Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and beyond, Nefartete has made its mark on the international stage. By adhering to strict quality control measures and maintaining transparent relationships with its clients, the company has earned the trust of importers and retailers worldwide.

Looking to the future, Nefartete Company remains committed to innovation and excellence. By exploring new markets, expanding its product range, and continuing to prioritize sustainability, the company is poised to remain a leader in the orange export industry for years to come. For those who value quality, sustainability, and taste, Nefartete oranges are the ultimate choice.
nefar iron beds 02-03-25 00:11
شركة نيفارتيتي: ثورة في صناعة تصدير البرتقال

في عالم صادرات المنتجات الزراعية المزدحم، تُبرز شركة نيفارتيتي كواحدة من ألمع الأسماء، حيث تعتبر رائدة في سوق تصدير البرتقال العالمي. وبفضل التزامها بالجودة والاستدامة والابتكار، اكتسبت نيفارتيتي سمعة طيبة كمورد موثوق للبرتقال الممتاز في الأسواق حول العالم. من بداياتها المتواضعة إلى وصولها إلى مكانة ريادية في الصناعة، تُعد رحلة الشركة شهادة على قوة الرؤية والعمل الجاد والاحترام العميق للطبيعة.

تأسست شركة نيفارتيتي بهدف بسيط لكنه طموح: وهو تقديم أفضل أنواع البرتقال من بساتين موطنها المشمسة إلى موائد الطعام في جميع أنحاء العالم. متخصصة في زراعة البرتقال وحصاده وتصديره، أتقنت الشركة كل خطوة في سلسلة التوريد. من خلال التعاون مع المزارعين المحليين والاستثمار في أحدث التقنيات، تضمن نيفارتيتي أن كل برتقالة تُصدرها تفي بأعلى معايير الجودة من حيث النضارة والمذاق والقيمة الغذائية.

من العوامل الرئيسية وراء نجاح نيفارتيتي هو التزامها الثابت بالاستدامة. وإدراكًا لأهمية الحفاظ على البيئة للأجيال القادمة، طبقت الشركة ممارسات زراعية صديقة للبيئة، وقللت من استخدام المياه، وخفضت بصمتها الكربونية. من أنظمة الري التي تعمل بالطاقة الشمسية إلى التغليف القابل للتحلل، تُعد نيفارتيتي رائدة في مجال الزراعة المستدامة. هذا الالتزام تجاه الكوكب لا يفيد البيئة فحسب، بل يلقى صدى لدى المستهلكين الذين يبحثون بشكل متزايد عن المنتجات ذات المصادر الأخلاقية.

يشتهر برتقال نيفارتيتي بمذاقه الاستثنائي وجودته العالية. حيث يُزرع في تربة غنية بالمغذيات ويُعتنى به في ظروف مناخية مثالية، مما يجعله مليئًا بالنكهة وغنيًا بالفيتامينات الأساسية. سواء تم تناوله طازجًا أو كعصير أو استخدامه في الأطباق المختلفة، يُعتبر برتقال نيفارتيتي المفضل لدى الطهاة، ورواد الصحة، والعائلات على حد سواء.

يُعد وصول الشركة العالمي شهادة أخرى على نجاحها. مع شبكة توزيع قوية تمتد عبر أوروبا وآسيا والشرق الأوسط وما وراءها، تركت نيفارتيتي بصمتها على الساحة الدولية. من خلال الالتزام بإجراءات مراقبة الجودة الصارمة والحفاظ على علاقات شفافة مع عملائها، اكتسبت الشركة ثقة المستوردين وتجار التجزئة حول العالم.

وبالنظر إلى المستقبل، تظل شركة نيفارتيتي ملتزمة بالابتكار والتميز. من خلال استكشاف أسواق جديدة، وتوسيع نطاق منتجاتها، والاستمرار في إعطاء الأولوية للاستدامة، فإن الشركة في طريقها لتبقى رائدة في صناعة تصدير البرتقال لسنوات قادمة. بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يقدرون الجودة والاستدامة والمذاق، يُعتبر برتقال نيفارتيتي الخيار الأمثل
nefar iron beds 01-03-25 16:54
Nefertiti for Grape Export: A Symbol of Excellence in the Global Market

When it comes to grape exports, few names resonate with the same level of prestige and quality as Nefertiti. Named after the iconic Egyptian queen renowned for her beauty and grace, Nefertiti has become synonymous with excellence in the global grape industry. This brand has carved out a reputation for delivering premium-quality grapes that meet the highest international standards, making it a trusted choice for consumers and distributors worldwide.

Nefertiti’s success in grape export is rooted in its commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability. The grapes are cultivated in Egypt’s fertile Nile Valley, where the ideal climate and rich soil create the perfect conditions for growing grapes that are bursting with flavor, sweetness, and freshness. From the moment the grapes are harvested to the time they reach international markets, every step of the process is meticulously managed to ensure that only the best produce makes it to the shelves.

One of the key factors that set Nefertiti apart is its adherence to global food safety and quality standards. The brand employs state-of-the-art technology and rigorous quality control measures to ensure that its grapes are free from pests, diseases, and contaminants. This dedication to quality has earned Nefertiti certifications from leading international organizations, further solidifying its position as a leader in the grape export industry.

Nefertiti’s grapes are not only known for their exceptional taste but also for their versatility. Whether enjoyed fresh, used in salads, or incorporated into desserts, Nefertiti grapes are a favorite among chefs, home cooks, and food enthusiasts alike. The brand’s ability to consistently deliver grapes that are both delicious and visually appealing has made it a preferred choice for retailers and wholesalers across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

In addition to its focus on quality, Nefertiti is also committed to sustainable farming practices. By prioritizing environmentally friendly methods and reducing its carbon footprint, the brand is contributing to a healthier planet while meeting the growing demand for responsibly sourced produce.

In conclusion, Nefertiti is more than just a name—it’s a symbol of excellence in grape export. With its unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability, Nefertiti continues to set the standard for premium grapes in the global market, ensuring that every bite is a testament to its legacy of greatness.
nefar iron beds 01-03-25 16:46
تُعتبر شركة نفرتيتي واحدة من أبرز الشركات الرائدة في مجال تصدير البصل من مصر، حيث تتمتع بسمعة طيبة وخبرة واسعة في هذا القطاع الحيوي. تأسست الشركة بهدف تعزيز صادرات البصل المصري إلى الأسواق العالمية، مع التركيز على تقديم منتجات عالية الجودة تلبي معايير الجودة المحلية والدولية. تُعد شركة نفرتيتي نموذجًا للتميز في مجال التصدير الزراعي، حيث تعمل على تطوير سلسلة إمدادات متكاملة تبدأ من الزراعة وصولاً إلى التعبئة والتغليف والشحن، مما يضمن وصول المنتجات إلى العملاء بأعلى مستويات الجودة وفي الوقت المحدد13.

تعتمد شركة نفرتيتي على رؤية واضحة تهدف إلى تعزيز مكانة البصل المصري في الأسواق العالمية، من خلال استخدام أحدث التقنيات الزراعية واللوجستية. تُولي الشركة اهتمامًا كبيرًا لمراقبة جودة المنتجات في كل مرحلة من مراحل الإنتاج، بدءًا من فحص التربة ومياه الري وصولاً إلى التعبئة النهائية والشحن. كما تعتمد على شراكات قوية مع المزارعين المحليين ذوي الخبرة، مما يضمن توافر منتجات عالية الجودة بشكل مستدام15.

تتميز شركة نفرتيتي بتقديم مجموعة متنوعة من منتجات البصل، بما في ذلك البصل الطازج والمجفف، مع توفير خيارات تغليف متعددة تلبي احتياجات العملاء المتنوعة. تُعد الشركة أيضًا من الشركات الرائدة في تصدير البصل الأحمر المصري، الذي يحظى بشعبية كبيرة في الأسواق الدولية، خاصة في دول الخليج والاتحاد الأوروبي. تعمل الشركة على تعزيز علاقاتها التجارية مع الأسواق المستهدفة، وتستثمر في التكنولوجيا الحديثة لتحسين جودة المنتجات وضمان استدامتها35.

بفضل التزامها بالجودة والابتكار، تمكنت شركة نفرتيتي من ترسيخ مكانتها كواحدة من أهم الشركات المصدرة للبصل في مصر، مما يسهم في تعزيز الاقتصاد المصري وزيادة حصة الصادرات الزراعية في الأسواق العالمية. تُعتبر الشركة نموذجًا للنجاح في مجال التصدير الزراعي، حيث تجمع بين الخبرة التقنية والرؤية الاستراتيجية لتحقيق أهدافها الطموحة19
nefar iron beds 01-03-25 16:21
Nefertiti is one of the leading companies in the field of exporting Egyptian agricultural products, especially Egyptian oranges, which are considered among the finest types of oranges globally. Established in 2000, the company has built an excellent reputation in both local and international markets over more than two decades, thanks to its commitment to high-quality standards and sustainability. Today, Nefertiti is a trusted partner for many importing countries, particularly in European, Gulf, and Asian markets, where it exports Egyptian oranges known for their superior quality and distinctive flavor.

Nefertiti relies on the latest agricultural technologies in orange cultivation, starting from the selection of high-quality varieties such as Abu Sora and Sukkari oranges, through advanced irrigation and fertilization processes, and up to harvesting and packaging operations that are carried out with precision to ensure the product reaches global markets in fresh and optimal condition. The company also adheres to international quality standards, enabling it to meet the demands of the most discerning markets.

Nefertiti exports Egyptian oranges to many countries, including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, China, and European Union countries. The Egyptian oranges exported by the company are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, making them a healthy and preferred choice for many consumers worldwide. Additionally, the company employs advanced packaging and shipping techniques to ensure that the oranges reach target markets in excellent condition while maintaining their freshness and nutritional value.

Nefertiti constantly strives to enhance its position in the global market through innovation and continuous development, focusing on meeting customer needs and ensuring their satisfaction. Thanks to its extensive experience and strong trade relationships, the company has been able to expand its reach to many countries, contributing to strengthening the Egyptian economy and increasing agricultural export revenues.

In short, Nefertiti is a model of excellence in the field of exporting Egyptian oranges, combining high quality and adherence to international standards, making it an ideal partner for global markets.
nefar iron beds 01-03-25 16:13
Nefartete Company: Pioneering Excellence in Egyptian Orange Exports
Nefartete Company stands as a cornerstone of Egypt’s thriving citrus industry, renowned for its leadership in exporting premium-quality Egyptian oranges to global markets. With a steadfast commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability, Nefartete has cemented its reputation as a trusted partner for international buyers seeking the distinct flavor and vibrant color of Egypt’s world-class oranges23.

Unmatched Quality and Expertise
Nefartete specializes in cultivating and exporting Egypt’s signature orange varieties, Navel and Valencia, which are celebrated for their sweetness, juiciness, and adaptability to diverse climates213. These oranges thrive in Egypt’s fertile Nile Delta region, where optimal weather conditions and advanced agricultural practices ensure consistent, high-yield harvests713. The company employs state-of-the-art technologies, including cold storage and controlled atmosphere systems, to preserve freshness and extend shelf life during transit37. Every shipment undergoes rigorous quality checks to meet international standards, such as those set by the USDA and the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)213.

Global Reach and Market Leadership
Nefartete’s oranges grace tables in over 126 countries, including key markets like Saudi Arabia, Russia, the UAE, India, and the European Union813. The company capitalizes on Egypt’s strategic geographic position to supply oranges during Northern Hemisphere off-seasons, filling critical gaps in global demand27. By leveraging favorable trade agreements and adhering to phytosanitary regulations, Nefartete has expanded its footprint into emerging markets in Asia and Africa38.

Driving Economic Growth
As one of Egypt’s largest citrus exporters, Nefartete plays a pivotal role in bolstering the national economy. The company supports local farmers by providing access to international markets, generating employment, and contributing to foreign exchange earnings23. Egypt’s orange exports, led by firms like Nefartete, have propelled the country to become the world’s second-largest orange exporter, with a 15.4% share of global exports in 2023813.

Innovation and Sustainability
Nefartete integrates sustainable farming practices, such as water-efficient irrigation and organic cultivation, to minimize environmental impact8. The company also invests in traceability systems to ensure transparency from farm to port, meeting growing consumer demand for ethically sourced produce13. Innovations like controlled atmosphere containers and blockchain-based certification further enhance supply chain reliability813.

Future Vision
Looking ahead, Nefartete aims to increase its export volume by expanding cultivation areas and introducing value-added products like orange juice and concentrates38. With projections indicating a 25% surge in Egyptian orange exports for the 2023–24 season, Nefartete is poised to reinforce Egypt’s dominance in the global citrus trade13.

Why Choose Nefartete?

Premium Quality: Rigorous quality control from harvest to delivery27.

Global Compliance: Adherence to international certifications and regulations313.

Sustainable Practices: Eco-friendly farming and logistics8.
nefar iron beds 03-02-25 10:43
Assignment Help: Your Academic Companion to Success

In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, tight deadlines, and complex coursework. This is where assignment help services come into play, offering students a reliable way to tackle their academic challenges and achieve their educational goals without unnecessary stress.

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Assignment help is a specialized service designed to provide students with expert guidance and support in completing their academic assignments. Whether it’s essays, research papers, case studies, projects, or presentations, these services cater to a wide range of subjects and academic levels. With a focus on quality, originality, and timeliness, assignment help ensures that students receive well-crafted, plagiarism-free content tailored to their specific requirements.

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